New Wails Track, Available for Free

I did a belated review a little while back of {Wails}‘ debut, self-titled EP, which very nearly flattened me with its deft, confident Britpop-meets-Kiwi jangle sound.

I said then that I wanted to hear more, and lo and behold, the band’s delivered (although, I’m assuming, not strictly because I asked for it, but hey). They’ve got a brand-new track, “Next Time Around”, up on their Bandcamp site, available to all to download for free — it’s apparently the first thing they’ve recorded since the Wails EP came out back in August.

The Wails guys are calling this a “demo,” but it sounds pretty damn fully-fleshed-out to me; the track rides Jeff Siebert‘s slinking, almost dub-y bassline and a scraping, drum machine-sounding beat from Dustin Wolfe, with Bruno Galli‘s serenely detached, New Romantics-esque vocals and back-and-forth guitars floating along over the top of it all. It’s almost like a Trembling Blue Stars track (which is no bad thing), but with an added bit of Jesus and Mary Chain bile spilling through the guitars.

More, please, y’all.

Post by . This entry was posted on Wednesday, February 23rd, 2011. Filed under Posts.

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