Coming Up: Downtown Houston Music Fest

Okay, so I’m not entirely sure I’m getting the name right, but it sounds pretty cool, either way…

A few weeks back, while emailing back & forth with Tim Shelburne of Austin band Mobley, Tim mentioned that the band would be back in town soon, playing something called the “Downtown Houston Music Festival”, on Saturday, March 12th. And my response, naturally, was, “uh, what the hell’s that?”

Turns out Jason Smith of {Alkari} is the brains behind the event, and he’s got a cool-sounding list of folks already on the bill, including his own excellent band (duh), NYCers Grandfather, Austin’s The Rocketboys, {Winter Wallace}, {Another Run}, {Journey Agents}, cool Americana guys (not “guy,” apparently) Frank Smith, Bostonians Grass Is Green, Supervolcano, & Dirty Dishes, {Electric Attitude}, the aforementioned Mobley, {Ozeal}, {Covington}, {Absolute Pistol}, Viva Viva (ex-The Lot Six), {Lights of Attica}, & Ireland’s Autumn Owls.

Oh, and best of all, cool-ass Austin band Murdocks (or “The Murdocks,” I guess; never really been sure which it is), who I’ve been a fan of for several years now. Glad to see those guys are back & playing down here again…

Jason hinted that there’ll be more bands/musicians added later on, too, but he got cagey on who or what. Other details: the shows’ll be at the newly-renamed venue-duo of the Groundhall & ECHO Lounge, the former of which used to be The Engine Room & the latter of which was The Jet Lounge ’til recently.

Not sure about cover, times, etc., yet, but mark it on your calendar, eh?

Post by . This entry was posted on Thursday, January 13th, 2011. Filed under Posts.

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4 Responses to “Coming Up: Downtown Houston Music Fest”

  1. Jason Smith on January 18th, 2011 at 10:58 am

    Thanks, Jeremy! We’re calling it Spring Forward! Hope to see everyone out that day!

  2. Hunter on January 20th, 2011 at 12:53 pm

    Jason, have you started planning the advertising for Spring
    Forward yet?

  3. SPACE CITY ROCK » Spring Forward Fest, This Weekend on March 8th, 2011 at 11:24 pm

    […] this one’s probably at the top of my list; I’d posted about it a while back as the “Downtown Music Festival” one of the guys from Mobley mentioned, but since then it’s been fleshed-out even further, […]

  4. Jessica on March 9th, 2011 at 11:39 am

    Rock on! Bands I plan to check out….UME, Another Run and Ozeal!!!!

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