Vote for the 2010 Texas Buzz Awards, Right Now

It gets a hell of a lot less press than the Houston Press Music Awards, but local alt-rock radio station The Buzz has its own, somewhat more specialized awards, the Texas Buzz Awards, the nominees for which include quite a few of the coolest bands in town (and from elsewhere in Texas, too).

Now, I know, I know — some indie hipsters in town would sooner eat glass than give a shit about The Buzz, and I rarely listen, myself (“Today’s alternative”? Really?), but with the Texas Buzz thing they do, they pick some damn talented folks, like {American Fangs}, {the last place you look}, {Castle Lights}, {From Guts To Glory}, & Austinites Distant Lights. And hey, whatever you think of the station, there’s nothing wrong with a deserving band winning an award, right?

And yep, the kind people at The Buzz are letting you vote, at least from now ’til 12AM, Monday, December 20th (which I think means midnight, Sunday, December 19th, aka tomorrow). So head on over there & cast your vote.

Post by . This entry was posted on Sunday, December 19th, 2010. Filed under Posts.

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One Response to “Vote for the 2010 Texas Buzz Awards, Right Now”

  1. SPACE CITY ROCK » Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Clouded/Project Grimm Reunion (MP3s!) + American Fangs + Roky Moon & BOLT + Muhammad Ali + More on December 26th, 2010 at 1:24 am

    […] place you look, & Paris Green @ The Scout Bar (Clear Lake) Remember a little while back, when I told you to go and vote in The Buzz‘s Texas Buzz Awards? Well, the Texas Buzz folks will be unveiling the […]

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