Happy 5th Birthday to The Mink, Tomorrow

Yep, another happy occasion is upon us: tomorrow night, Friday, December 10th, cool Midtown venue/bar The Mink will be celebrating its 5th Year Anniversary with a blowout party, and it sounds pretty damn cool.

There’ll be plenty of music, obviously, including a set by {Young Girls}, who’re releasing their debut 7″ tonight, plus {Stephen Farris} of {Ghost Mountain} and DJ sets by {Dayta} and {Le Hibou}. I’m told there’re also cheap drinks from 9-11PM and some kind of door prizes, but I’ve got no clue what the latter’ll be… (Oh, and I think the whole thing’s free.)

Anyway, stop on by, raise a glass, & enjoy some music — I like what I’ve heard of both Young Girls and Farris, and Dayta’s one of the best damn DJs in town, so y’know. Glad to see the place is still alive & kicking, five years on.

Post by . This entry was posted on Friday, December 10th, 2010. Filed under Posts.

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