Giveaway Time: Tickets to the PEASE OUT NYE Bash, with Warpaint, UME, & More

As you can probably imagine, there’s going to be plenty going on ’round here when New Year’s Eve rolls through. There’re a few shows that jump out, though, notably the PEASE OUT 2011 NYE Party thing Andy from Couch Professor Entertainment is putting on over at the Groundhall.

While I will most likely be remaining at home, sipping fake champagne with Midget #1, I have to say that the lineup for this one’s pretty badass. There’re a bunch of good, good local folks, like {The Tontons}, whom I will love ’til death, {Tax the Wolf}, whom I really need to blather more about, and soon, {B L A C K I E}, who’s, well, B L A C K I E, {Fat Tony}, who has possibly the coolest indie-hip-hop flow I’ve heard, and {The Handshake} and {Young Girls}, both of whom I’ve heard good stuff about but have yet to see in actual real-life.

Then there’s the out-of-town crew, namely ex-Houstonians UME, whose Sunshower EP is so badass that when a song from it happened to come up on my iPod recently, I got halfway through the song, thought, “holy shit, this is awesome — what band is this?”, and promptly smacked myself in the head, San Antonians Girl in a Coma, who’re probably more known here for getting in fights with HPD officers but who make some pretty great music, too, and the headliners, Warpaint.

I’ve talked about the latter band at least once before in this here spot; I can’t really think of a lot to add to what I said back then, except to reiterate that everything I’ve heard in recorded form has been mind-blowingly cool, all dangerous and jagged and murky at once. Sadly, in spite of the fact that they’ve been here like three times this past year, I haven’t yet caught ’em live. Soon.

Now, the Important Stuff:
So…why’m I talking about this show? Glad you asked: because SCR has (dum-da-de-dum) a pair of tickets to give away for the NYE show, courtesy of the Couch Professor folks.

What do you have to do to get ’em? Ah, not much — I won’t make you jump through any hoops for this one. Just send an email to “contests” at “spacecityrock dot com”, with the Subject line “I heart penguins”, and you can win. Cool?

Oh, and I’m told the tickets for this thing are already going pretty rapidly, so this could be your shot to get in at all. Just sayin’.

Post by . This entry was posted on Friday, December 3rd, 2010. Filed under Posts.

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One Response to “Giveaway Time: Tickets to the PEASE OUT NYE Bash, with Warpaint, UME, & More”

  1. SPACE CITY ROCK » Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1 (NYE!): Warpaint + The Wild Moccasins + Mobley + New Years Noise + More on December 31st, 2010 at 11:46 am

    […] E, Female Demand, & Electric Attitude @ Groundhall (8PM-2AM) Yep, I’ve talked this one up a few times already, but hell, I’ll do it again: tonight’s PEASE OUT show pretty much tops […]

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