Tonight: ThanksTaking with Tyagaraja

Turkey Day today, and a time to be thankful for all kinds of stuff — hopefully everybody out there’s having a good time (or planning to, anyway) with their loved ones…

If you’re not planning on spending the evening on the couch, feeling bloated & hanging out with the family unit, however, I’d encourage you to head up to Fitzgerald’s tonight for the Tyagaraja ThanksTaking Show, put on by the {Tyagaraja} crew, naturally. They’ve got a ton of excellent bands/musicians playing, including the aforementioned band, {The Manichean}, {Elaine Greer}, {Chase Hamblin}, & {I am Mesmer}, and there’ll be a ton of vendors & nonprofits on-hand, too, like the Indus Valley Sustainable Living Institute, which sounds pretty damn neat.

So there you go; when you’re done gorging on turkey & sweet stuff, get on out & work it back off (karmically, at least). (Oh, and the show’s free if you’re of-age, but they’re taking donations for the bands & groups involved…)

Post by . This entry was posted on Thursday, November 25th, 2010. Filed under Posts.

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2 Responses to “Tonight: ThanksTaking with Tyagaraja”

  1. Jason Smith on November 26th, 2010 at 9:11 pm

    It was a great event and lots of people there considering the holiday!

  2. Paparaja on December 6th, 2010 at 9:54 am

    Very honored to be a part. Great alternative holiday.

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