Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Be Alot Cooler If You Did Halloween Show + Tax the Wolf + More

A wee bit slower tomorrow night (Sunday, October 31st), which kinda makes sense, as it’s the actual night of Halloween, and hey, people have trick-or-treating kids & parties & whatnot. But hey, it ain’t totally dead out there on the music front. Here’s what I’ve heard about, at least:

Be Alot Cooler If You Did, featuring Stephen Farris, LIMB, Hamamatsu Tom & The Bareback Hell Stallions, Roky Moon & BOLT, Black Congress, Venomous Maximus, Giant Battle Monster, The Funboys, & The Busy Kids @ The Moon Tower Inn (3004 Canal St.; 3-9:30PM)
This mini-festival of sorts is kinda nice as a followup to the Ghoulsfest thing, I have to say — it’s a cool, cool cross-section of various bands from all walks of H-town band life, including several of which I’m a big, big fan. There’s {Black Congress} (who arguably gave the finger to Ghoulsfest in favor of this show, if the Interwebs are to be believed, and who are utterly badass in a heavy, raw, Jesus Lizard-y facepunching kind of way, and {Giant Battle Monster}, who are like a spastic post-hardcore band force-fed a lot of drugs & comic books (Scud: The Disposable Assassin always comes to mind) and then set on fire.

Then there’s the ever-awesome retro-glam-rock dudes & dudette of Roky Moon & BOLT, {The Busy Kids}, who I mentioned recently already & which is the new “project” of Niki Sevven from Something Fierce & three fellow female rockers, and {LIMB}‘s The Shape of Punk for Some EP fucking blew me away this summer, no lie. And then {Stephen Farris}, one-half of cool nerd-hop duo {Ghost Mountain}, will be doing his solo (electronic, I’m guessing) thing to close out the night, and that’s bound to be worth watching/hearing.

Plus, I’ve read/heard some awesome things about the minimalist hot dog/beer joint hosting the show, The Moon Tower Inn; got to get over there sometime soon & check it out…

La Barranca/Tax the Wolf/The Keypers @ Walter’s
Dunno La Barranca or The Keypers, sorry, but the more I hear from {Tax the Wolf}, the more impressed I get (and yeah, I’m swayed somewhat by Dre‘s writeup on over here, too). I’m always a little hot-and-cold on prog-rock in general, honestly, but I’m slowly coming ’round to these guys’ brand of prog-ish indie-rock.

Punk Rock Halloween, featuring Mugrero, Shut Up Sidney, This Way, & Impugned @ The White Swan (9PM)
Lights/Jeremy Fisher @ Warehouse Live (Studio)

Post by . This entry was posted on Sunday, October 31st, 2010. Filed under Posts.

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