Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: The Manichean + Lower Dens + sIngs + A dream Asleep + Screwtape + The Neighborhood Show + More

I’ve got two crazed midgets attacking me as I type this, so I’ve got to make it quick; there’s a ton of good stuff going on tonight (Sat., September 11th), though, so you shouldn’t be wanting for something to see/hear/do ’round town this evening. Here goes:

The Manichean @ Late Night Pie (11:59PM; free!)
I’m happy as heck to hear the oddball folks in {The Manichean} are out and about again, partly because I’m also hearing that they’ll be releasing a brand-new full-length (I think? can’t find the dang email) sometime relatively soon. The one new track I’ve heard has been pretty enticing; halle-freakin-lujah, folks… The band’s impressive as heck, in my book, in an ultra-dramatic theater-or-music?, Decemberists-ish kind of way, and I dearly hope this means they’ll be continuing on for a good long while. And hey, a free midnight show at a pizza joint’s never a bad thing.

Lower Dens/sIngs/Yellow Fever @ Walter’s
I don’t know a heck of a lot about Lower Dens except that it’s the new band of ex-Houstonian indie-rock hero Jana Hunter; I have been lucky enough to hear {sIngs} recently, though, and holy crap are they good. Strange, only halfway explainable indie-rock/pop that’s ridiculously catchy nonetheless.

Screwtape/Born Again Virgins/A dream Asleep @ Rudyard’s
I really, really want to see/hear Screwtape at some point, I swear. Plus, from everything I hear (particularly from SCR contributor Dre), post-emo rock dudes {A dream Asleep} are pretty badass.

The Neighborhood Show, featuring Francois Dillinger, Swans Will Attack, Gnome Chomsky, Prairie Cadets, Alyse Black, & DJ Ash @ The Usual (5519 Allen St.; 6PM)
Kind of a late-notice one, I know; just got word this morning from the {Prairie Cadets} guys. It should be worth seeing just for them, although I have to admit that I’m not quite sure what they’re sounding like these days, since the band’s expanded somewhat… And goofy though it is, I find myself cracking up using “Gnome Chomsky” as a band name. Beautiful.

Fuck Cancer Party/Benefit for Nathan Hart, featuring the Hell City Kings & more @ Catty Corner Icehouse (895 Wakefield; 12-8:30PM)
School Blaze Benefit Event for Pencils 4 Ghana @ Avant Garden
Already talked about these elsewhere; see here, eh?

Caveman Electric/Society of Bandits/Peekaboo Theory/Snowplow/Another Run @ Fitzgerald’s
Spain Colored Orange @ Dean’s Credit Clothing
Poussez! Dance Party, featuring Best Legs, GRRRL Parts, & mr. mudd butt @ Groundhall (formerly known as The Engine Room)
Loudon Wainwright III @ Listening Room (NiaMoves; 9PM)
The 24th/The Rival Wife/Chiasma/Oh, yoU iN?/Trills/VapeApe @ Super Happy Fun Land

More soon…

Post by . This entry was posted on Saturday, September 11th, 2010. Filed under Posts.

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