Tonight: Sergio Trevino & Marc Brubaker @ Dean’s

Just a quick one this time out — I’m currently fighting with servers and blacklists and such (again), but I didn’t want to neglect tonight’s show over at Dean’s Credit Clothing, which’ll feature both Sergio Trevino of {Buxton} and Marc Brubaker of {Prairie Cadets}, each doing their own solo thing.

I’ve never been fortunate enough to see/hear Sergio do his solo stuff, although I’ve heard awesomely cool things about it, but I have heard Marc doing his solo thing, thanks to him handing me a CD of his new Postmarked project at Summerfest. And yes, it’s pretty dang cool — I’d hoped to get an actual review up before now (sorry, Marc!), but other things have intervened, as always. Argh.

Anyway, this promises to be a nice, laid-back, entertaining as hell midweek thing. I dunno a thing about Spring-dwelling closers(?) {The Dellciples}, but heck, show up early & check ’em out, eh? And yes, it’s all free, which everyone knows is the absolute best price for anything.

Post by . This entry was posted on Wednesday, July 14th, 2010. Filed under Posts.

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2 Responses to “Tonight: Sergio Trevino & Marc Brubaker @ Dean’s”

  1. Bru on July 16th, 2010 at 11:41 am

    Thanks for the bump, by the way!

  2. Jeremy Hart on July 16th, 2010 at 12:50 pm

    No prob!

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