Rogue Comedy with Craig, Tonight

Okay, this one’s so freaky-funny a concept that I can’t help but mention it, at least briefly…

Tonight (Thurs., June 24th) the Avant Garden plays host to the Rogue Improv show (troupe?), which is doing this wacky improv thing they call “The Armando Show,” where they get a “monologist” to ramble up onstage about whatever topics they get from the audience, and then the comic-type people riff on said monologist’s rambling.

I’ll admit that I have no idea how that’ll work in reality, although I guess it’ll be something ComedySportz/TheatreSportz-esque, and that’s always fun. Apparently they do stuff like this every Thursday, and I just hadn’t heard about it ’til now, which is a little sad, ’cause I love watching improv, but hey, that’s how it goes in this town.

What’s especially cool about tonight’s show, though, is that the guest speaker will be H-town gonzo music journo/blogger Craig Hlavaty, {Houston Press} scribe, lover of all things metal, chronicler of Insane Clown Posse-related crap, and admirer of Lady Gaga. Which means tonight should be freaking hysterical, since I know Craig’s got to have some good stories & is an entertaining guy to begin with.

So, if you’re up for witnessing oddball improv comedy inspired by/featuring a local media pseudo-celebrity/nice guy, hey, you know where to spend your evening…

Post by . This entry was posted on Thursday, June 24th, 2010. Filed under Posts.

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