Free Press News, About to Break…

Y’know, I’m already pretty blown away by the lineup for this year’s Free Press Summerfest (coming up in just over a month, June 5-6) — I mean, they’ve already got The Flaming Lips, Lucero, Mix Master Mike, Cro-Mags, Detroit Cobras, Dead Prez, Stars…the list goes on & on — so I’m having a bit of a hard time believing the word passed ’round the past couple of days that there’s more on the way.

But that’s the word, anyway, from Omar & the rest of the Free Press crew (and their kindly Your Name Here & Pegstar cohorts); supposedly tomorrow, May 1st, they’ll be unveiling a special, super-secret, “BIG” headliner for the festival (um…bigger than the Flaming Lips? what, is U2 playing now? The ghost of John Lennon?), along with the official schedule & info on a bunch of after-party-type deals.

On the bad side, as of midnight tonight (April 30th), the prices for the ‘fest will be going up, from their current price of $25 for the General Admission weekend pass and $55 for the Fancy Pants weekend pass to…um, I have no idea. Higher prices, one assumes, but I’m afraid I dunno the actual numbers. Keep your eyes out for that, too, in case you somehow stupidly haven’t already bought your wristband. Trust me: it’s going to be worth it, so just go ahead & grab it now…

Post by . This entry was posted on Friday, April 30th, 2010. Filed under Posts.

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