Help Out Sedition Books, Hear Good (and Strange) Music

Yep, I’m a fan of H-town’s very own anarchist bookstore (the only one I’ve heard of, anyway), Sedition Books (901 Richmond) — I certainly wouldn’t call myself an anarchist, but I think it’s crucial to have some kind of a clearinghouse like this in our city, to provide access to information most Houstonians aren’t going to be able to find otherwise.

They call themselves an “infoshop,” which kind of makes sense, as they do more than just sell books — they have a fairly large lending library that’s open to all, they provide meeting spaces for nonprofits and activists, they have a zine library, and even offer free Internet access. All of which is very cool by me, at least.

They’ve hit some setbacks along the way to where they are, though, including a near-crippling arson at their original Washington Ave. location. They’ve bounced back, sure, but this stuff takes funding to keep going, so they’re celebrating their “first year of rent paying and regular hours” with a series of benefit shows at Super Happy Fun Land, the first of which is today, Saturday, August 15th.

The cover’s $7, the show starts around 8PM, and it’ll feature some of Houston’s rawest punk and strangest/most intriguing experimental acts: The Delta Block, A Thousand Cranes (whom I enjoy blissing out to), Anarchitex (old-school H-town punk rock), Room 101 (who rule, seriously), & Police State America (or P.S.A., for short). The proceeds go both to Sedition and to SHFL, so it’s a good cause either way.

Post by . This entry was posted on Saturday, August 15th, 2009. Filed under Posts.

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