Update: The Literary Greats (Tonight!) + The Lonely H (8/14!) + Dredg/RX Bandits + Extra Golden/Grandfather Child + More

Damn, this one kind of fell by the wayside in all the Summerfest madness… Last week yours truly got some fine new writing-type things up on SCR, and it’d be a shame to let them slip on by without a word, especially since a couple of bits here and there are a sorta-kinda timely.

The first of those happens to be what I think is a very cool interview with local boys The Literary Greats, who’re playing up at The Continental Club tonight (Thurs., August 13th) with Beetle. Brandon and Chris of the Greats were nice enough to answer my many semi-intelligent questions about their music, their history, and their soon-to-be-released new album (which I didn’t think to ask the title of, but which’ll apparently be called Ocean, Meet the Valley; you’ll get a writeup on what it sounds like as soon as I hear it…), and in the end, it all came out pretty well. See the full thing here.

The show’s part of a new showcase deal put on by the 29-95.com, btw, in an effort to promote H-town bands/musicians to the Continental Club crowd & beyond. It promises to be a good one, definitely, and I’m hoping they keep doing the showcases…

Beyond that, on Friday, August 14th, Washingtonian boys The Lonely H (who happen to be the only people I’ve ever heard of to come from/live in Port Angeles, WA., other than my ex-boss Steve) are coming to town, playing at Rudyard’s with locals Fake Believe (who have the coolest band name ever, and whose song “Card Homes” I’ve really been enjoying).

The Lonely H do that ’70s retro thing that seems to be popping up all over the place, with echoes of The Eagles & CSNY, among others. New writer Jowell did a nice writeup of the band’s latest, Concrete Class — check it out over here.

Of course, that can hardly be it, right? Let’s see… We’ve also got live reviews of the recent Dredg/RX Bandits/Zechs Marquise show at The Meridian and the further-back Extra Golden/Grandfather Child show at Walter’s, up here and here, respectively, and a pile of CD reviews, including stuff by ex-Too Much Joy(!) electronics project Wonderlick, Franz Ferdinand, WE ARE HEX, One Small Step For Landmines, & globetrotting Houston boy Oppressed by the Line. Here’s the full list:

Interviews: The Literary Greats

Live Reviews/Previews: Dredg/RX Bandits/Zechs Marquise; Extra Golden/Grandfather Child.

Reviews: The Lonely H; Franz Ferdinand; Wonderlick; One Small Step For Landmines; WE ARE HEX; Oppressed by the Line; Does It Offend You, Yeah?; Foreign Cinema; & Chris Schutz + Tourists.

More soon, we promise…

Post by . This entry was posted on Thursday, August 13th, 2009. Filed under Posts.

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One Response to “Update: The Literary Greats (Tonight!) + The Lonely H (8/14!) + Dredg/RX Bandits + Extra Golden/Grandfather Child + More”

  1. roshan on August 13th, 2009 at 4:34 pm

    unfortunately, i was one of the few who bolted after rx bandits. i couldn't give a shit less about most bands that would have to follow the on-stage enigma that is the bandits.

    love them forever.

    interviewed zechs and rxb at the show– check em out at the site if you feel so inclined to!


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