Houston Press Awards Nominees Announced (+Showcase, 7/26!)

Sweet…looks like the Houston Press‘s Chris Gray (on whom I flaked ridiculously a while back and am sincerely apologetic, btw, should he ever read this; sorry, man…) has put up the list of nominated folks for this year’s much-anticipated Houston Press Music Awards. And when I say “much-anticipated,” I swear I’m serious; more awesomely good shit has come out in the past six months or so than a poor, defenseless music writer like myself can ever keep up with. My pile of CDs I Really Need to Listen To Soon is growing at a seemingly exponential rate.

Going down the list, I’m happy as hell to see a bunch of folks I voted for, myself, made the cut — the last place you look, The Wild Moccasins, American Fangs (and seriously, Something Fierce’s “Teenage Ruins” was 2008’s Song for me, but this year’s is definitely the Fangs’ “Le Kick”), The Small Sounds, Benjamin Wesley, & Something Fierce, for a few. I’m kinda disappointed Springfield Riots, Scale The Summit (Best. Metal. Band. In. Town, I swear to God), Tambersauro, Phillip Foshée, & listenlisten didn’t make it, because they all really, truly rule my life right now, but eh, I’ll take it.

What’s left? Nothing but a month or two of mulling-over of your voting options before the Awards Showcase madness on July 26th, which’ll most likely feature the bulk of the bands listed; mark yr calendars now…

Post by . This entry was posted on Thursday, May 21st, 2009. Filed under Uncategorized.

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