Dear Dubya: No, I’m Not Going to Forget

Yeah, it’s already begun to happen to me, too — secure in the knowledge that Obama’s headed for the House of Whiteness (I can’t help but think of the classic George Clinton track, “Paint the White House Black,” whenever I think about it), I’ve started to feel sorry for ol’ Dubya. He looks more and more like a stuffed shirt, an ineffectual do-nothing who’s just marking time ’til he gets to go back to private life. (And hey, now he won’t even be Cowboy George, since he & Laura are trading up from the Crawford ranch to swank digs in Dallas.)

And then I take a look around and realize, “holy fuck…he’s the guy most responsible for all (and I do mean ‘all’) of the bad, scary, horrible, soul-destroying shit that’s going on all around us.” It’s him, believe it; regardless of how the ever-loving Media is currently trying to sell the man or trying to shift the blame, Dubya was a wretched president. Not even a wretchedly ineffectual, idle president — in spite of all the vacation time — but a president who actively, knowingly pulled all kinds of bad shit and make America are weird, uncertain, sometimes scary place to live.

It took this article, though, by the awesomely erudite William Rivers Pitt, to really encapsulate all of the multifaceted badness wrought by Texas’s best-known ex-governor. Pitt hits absolutely everything, even shit I’d apparently suppressed, blanked from my memory. I succumbed a while back to what The Onion wisely dubbed “Outrage Fatigue”, so I found myself reading Pitt’s article and going, “oh, yeah — I’d totally forgotten he did that, dammit!”

Don’t fall for it, folks — no matter what wonderful, back-patting odes to the wonders of Dubya you get smacked with these next several months (years?), do not forget all the things this guy did. Never forget, never forgive. Because once we do, we run the risk of somebody else trying to repeat it all again.

Post by . This entry was posted on Saturday, January 10th, 2009. Filed under Posts.

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