Update: GNR vs. Metallica + Woozyhelmet + Supersuckers + Murry Hammond + Mathletes + More

No burning must-see bands/CDs burning a virtual hole in my/our virtual pocket right at this second, but we’ve got good new shit up on the site, nonetheless, courtesy of our hardworking crew of writers & volunteers, some of whom were apparently working harder than, um, I was over the holidays. (Dang…)

Anyway, it’s a good-looking pile with which we kick off the Big Oh-Nine, including Andrew’s take on the epic showdown between the Guns N’ Roses/Axl & Metallica “comeback” albums (here), my own much-belated review of Houston/Austin trio Woozyhelmet’s freaking great magnum opus (here), newcomer Jessica’s review of the Pale Young Gentlemen full-length (here), & a handful of other review-type things.

Plus, we’ve got two new live reviews up, one of The Supersuckers’ most recent Houston appearance and one of Old 97’s linchpin Murry Hammond’s show here several months back (sorry for the delay, Peter!). Oh, and I’ve been doing a wee bit of updating on ye olde Bands page, which means there’re nearly-brand-new writeups on The Tontons and The Mathletes up there. (More to come in that area, I swear.)

Here’s the full crop this time out:

Live Reviews: The Supersuckers/Whiskey Boat; Murry Hammond/Tody Castillo/Arthur Yoria/Krista Vossler and Luke Kalloch

Featured Bands: The Mathletes; The Tontons

Reviews: Guns N’ Roses; Metallica; Woozyhelmet; Pale Young Gentlemen; Seasick; Matt Duke; Strangers Die Every Day; Masks Phantoms; Northern Liberties.

More on its way later this month — hope everybody had a good Christmas, New Year’s, Hannukah, Diwali, Kwanzaa, Festivus, & whatever else!

Post by . This entry was posted on Tuesday, January 6th, 2009. Filed under Posts.

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