Tiger! Shit! Tiger! Tiger!, Be Yr Own Shit

Tiger! Shit! Tiger! Tiger!, Be Yr Own Shit

Tiger! Shit! Tiger! Tiger! moves fast. The Italian post-punk trio has been together for just over a year and already has an album to show for it. Be Yr Own Shit is their unimpressive debut, sounding like a senior thesis project at The Rapture School of Music. Whiny, abrasive yelping? Check. Discordant rhythm guitar? Check. Funky disco beat? Check plus. And on that note, I don’t know whether or not the ironically-titled track “Insert Disco Beat Here” is supposed to be a playful acknowledgment of their own formulaic style, but it doesn’t make the music any less banal.

Fine, credit where credit’s due: T!S!T!T! keeps their beats consistently tight, and if you’re in the mood for something loud and danceable, almost everything on the album fits the bill. Where the songs deviate, the results can be surprisingly pleasant. “Last Gang in Town” captures a kind of dreamy-sounding discordance, as does the attempt at something pretty-ish on “The Architects of Despair.”

While there’s nothing terrible about most of the songs that populate the album, the style has simply been overdone to death, and done much better at that. Unfortunately, Be Yr Own Shit is mostly noisy for the sake of noisy, and T!S!T!T! makes little effort to cover that up.

(To Lose La Track -- via dei Gerani, 10 Umbertide 6019 PORTUGAL; http://www.toloselatrack.org/; Tiger! Shit! Tiger! Tiger! -- http://www.wearetigershit.tk/)

Review by . Review posted Tuesday, December 2nd, 2008. Filed under Reviews.

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