A Little Celebratory Music

Meant to put this up sooner, but as it always is with life, things intervene. Time will tell if it’s the reality (I’ve got pretty high hopes), but right now, a week after, I’m still feeling like celebrating the fact that a smart, practical, rational guy who looks a heck of a lot like America will be entering the White House. In spite of the retarded “Impeach Obama” bumper stickers I’ve seen (memo to those drivers: please ho back to H.S. Civics class and learn how the system works before making the rest of us look bad), even some conservative friends of mine are breathing sighs of relief, having endured 8 years of Big Guv’mint Dubya and watched in horror as the Sarah Palin trainwreck unfolded. The next four years (or more?) promise to be a 180 from the 8-year nightmare it feels like we’ve all been staggering through.

So here you go — some music to celebrate to, even if it’s just all by your lonesome, smiling as you ride the elevator up to work with the headphones on. First, to get that anti-establishmentarianism jab in:

NOFX – “You’re Wrong (live)”

Then there’s some cheerier stuff, once all the bitter sarcasm’s out of your system. The first is a cover, of course, of the Sam Cooke classic, the second is probably the best hip-hop track I’ve heard yet — you can hear the awe and wonder in Ali’s voice — and the third is one that’s by a bunch of Canadians who can’t vote here anyway, but heck, it’s just a bleak and beautiful song that somehow captures for me the uncertainty of our times:

Cory Chisel – “A Change Is Gonna Come”
Brother Ali – “Mr. President (You’re The Man)”
The Stills – “Being Here”

I can’t forget this track, though, ’cause it’s by a Kenyan/American band and, um, it’s about Obama (oh, and it’s beautiful, too):

Extra Golden – “Obama”

And then, of course, there’s this, which was honest-to-God the music that burst into my head, unasked-for, when I realized it had actually, really, truly happened:

Post by . This entry was posted on Thursday, November 13th, 2008. Filed under Posts.

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