Pain Principle, Waiting for the Flies

Pain Principle, Waiting for the Flies

If your one comfort in life is that some things never change, then you will love this album. Otherwise, you’ll be like me and loathe it. With fifteen years’ experience performing, you would think that Pain Principle would have a more professional sound, but on their new album, Waiting for the Flies, they use the same rhythms and breakdowns that are common in most songs. I don’t understand how these guys were able to share the stage with such well-known bands as BLS, Drowning Pool, and Rob Halford. They don’t even scratch the surface of their largest influence, Pantera. It was hard to find an ounce of originality in this album. The album’s one saving grace was the introductory track, “Body Farm.”

(Blind Prophecy Records -- P.O. Box 666, Bokeelia, FL. 33922;; Pain Principle --
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Review by . Review posted Friday, July 11th, 2008. Filed under Reviews.

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