Yes, Right-Wing Whackos Now Apparently Hate Robots, Cartoons, and/or the Earth

From ThinkProgress (via life is a thrill; yo, Marshall!), yes, it seems that now pretty much anything can make right-wing nutjob demagogues quiver with outrage, including a movie about a cartoon robot. Who, um, works on cleaning up a polluted planet. And is looking for love. Did I mention this is a cartoon, and not the new Michael Moore movie?

What, did these folks run out of ways to compare the Iowa floods to Katrina and find themselves at a loss for something to freak out about? Yeesh. The next time some right-winger sneers at some liberally-minded person for being “P.C.” and being insulted/threatened by everything, I may have to slap ’em across their imbecilic face. If I’m not doubled over laughing, of course.

(In the interests of fairness, I feel compelled to note, that not all Repubs are quite this stupid/nuts. My dad, for one, is a lifelong Republican, and he saw the movie last weekend and liked it. Dad’s always been a big outdoors lover, however, and I think he now secretly loathes Bush, so maybe he’s the oddball here, not the foaming-at-the-mouth talking heads.)

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