Complicated Shirt, Compromising Compositions

Complicated Shirt, Compromising Compositions

The obvious starting point here is the band’s name; who ever came up with “Complicated Shirt” needs to be taken out and beaten within an inch of their life. Following that, frontman Drew Benton needs to have his vocal chords surgically removed so he can never annoy anyone ever again with his godawful, whiny-ass vocals. Finally, the band need to be informed that their intentionally verbose and obtuse lyrics are not anywhere as clever as they think they are.

The most unfortunate aspect of this all is that musically, Complicated Shirt is actually quite skilled. For the brief moments I was able to block out the horrendous vocals, I was enjoying what I heard, despite the fact that I’m not particularly a fan of the post-punk style of music they play. As talented as they may be, though, there’s no way it can compensate for the train wreck that is Benton’s “singing.” This one’s destined for the discount bin at the record store…

(Alone Records -- P.O. Box 3019, Oswego, NY. 13126;; Complicated Shirt
BUY ME: Amazon

Review by . Review posted Friday, June 1st, 2007. Filed under Reviews.

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