
I realized several years back that y'know, Houston had a goodly number of zine-type things floating 'round out there, and yet people in general knew next to nothing about most of them (much less read 'em). So, I made it my mission to find out what cool zines and magazines existed 'round here, and I've tried to put whatever info I could up here on this page. If you or somebody you know's got a zine, feel free to let me know about that, too, and I'll list whatever I get (e-mail "gaijin" at "spacecityrock.com", or send me a copy if you're feeling generous: Space City Rock, P.O. Box 541010, Houston, TX. 77254).

We've tried to thin the herd a bit, by the way, and have shifted the zines we think are defunct, dead, etc., off to the Back Issues Pile. Zine people aren't notoriously communicative, though, necessarily, so if you see something up here that you know is no more, let me know, eh?


    002houston started out, I think, as an “advertising supplement” of the city’s lone “big” newspaper, the Chronicle, but it’s grown & expanded over the past several years…


    801 Texas Ave. Houston, TX. 77002 info” at “29-95 dot com”

    bear parade

    “bearparade” at “gmail dot com”


    Ran across this one fairly randomly, and I have to say, it’s pretty cool. It’s mostly focused on art, but the Case crew hits on music, too — interviews with Henry Rollins, GZA, The Faint, Sage Francis, & Girl Talk mashed in between…


    Picked the inaugural issue of Ciclo up a few years ago now, and I’m not sure there ever was a second. Which is somewhat of a shame, since it’s pretty interesting; there’s a lot in there about Latino culture in general, and a pretty hefty mission statement…

    Day & A Dream

    “brandojcaldwell06” at “yahoo dot com” Music Submissions: “dayandadreammusic” at “gmail dot com”

    Ditch Water

    Man, I love this one. Not much in the way of words, it’s true — Ditch Water the first-ever photo zine I’ve seen in this city, and in an age of all-electronic-ness it’s a breath of freakin’ old-school fresh air. See, this is a real photo zine…

    Film Monitor

    This one’s pretty unique; ran across it at the 2008 Zine Fest deal at The Shady Tavern and was immediately impressed as hell. It’s teeny-tiny (literally only 8 pages, including the cover), but very nicely done, laid out well & a hell of a lot more legible…

    Free Press Houston

    Man…those crazy FPH folks make me jealous (not to mention lazy & slow). In the now-several years it’s been around, the Free Press Houston has grown from a hearts-in-the-right-place local Public News-style B&W music/etc. paper…

    Giant Steps

    I’ve been seriously missing a good personal zine, I have to say — there’ve been only a few I’ve ever run across that were really, really cool, and this one’s climbing its way into that list. It helps that the guy behind the zine is Kirke Campbell


    Never actually seen this one, sadly, but it sounds cool, at least — it’s supposedly a black-and-white, old-school Xeroxed zine, created by renowned paste-art icon GIVE UP. It’s on its 10th issue now, supposedly…


    A very cool, cool little (and I mean “little” in terms of physical size, not in terms of its reach & all that) magazine — covering Houston and Austin these days, I think — that focuses on awesome, entertaining art, music, & food, among other things…

    Houston Punk

    Gotta love a straight-up save-the-scene punk zine, and Houston Punk is just that. For as rough & raw as it is, the zine’s creators (which apparently sometimes includes Room 101‘s Roburt Reynolds)…


    Blake Butler “blake” at “htmlgiant dot com” Submissions: “submissions” at “htmlgiant dot com”

    I Am Relevant

    Only seen one issue so far (from October ’07), and it appears to be the first, judging by the introductory manifestos from zine authors Ema & Sara. It’s a small-ish zine, but it makes me nostalgic for the Good Old Days of Zinedom…

    I Came Here To Tell You I Hated It

    This one’s not really a zine, honestly; it’s actually a collection of a comic strip called “Mole Holes,” which is/was published in the University of Houston‘s Daily Cougar and revolves/revolved around two moles…

    Love + Death

    This is an intriguing one; it’s a seriously, seriously personal zine that’s more like a confessional comic book than anything else — think Maus or Joe Sacco’s work, only Love + Death is the story of one very complicated, insecure kid…

    Made In USA

    Okay, so I have no idea what the fuck this zine’s about. Hell, I’m not even sure the name’s Made In USA — for the longest time, I thought it was actually called Fail, since that’s what it says on the cover…

    My Table: Houston’s Dining Magazine

    Yeah, yeah — so, My Table doesn’t have a damn thing to do with music; so what? Few people who live here even notice it, but Houston has some of the best restaurants in the whole country, and some of the really good ones…

    NANO Fiction

    Haven’t been able to check out a hard copy of this one out yet, but it sounds pretty neat — it’s apparently a real-live literary journal, but unlike a lot of the ones I’ve seen, it’s a nonprofit, run by a bunch of University of Houston undergrads…

    No Funeral

    Huntsville, TX. “no-funeral” at “hotmail dot com”

    Post Punk’d

    “postpunkedhouston” at “gmail dot com”

    Pretty Riot

    Jessica “Jessica” at “PrettyRiot dot com”

    Public News

    Ah, the PN. I can still remember the first time I ever read it, way back when I’d just started college – it was my first exposure to nipple rings, music columns, and hot-sex ads. Pretty damn cool…

    Pussy Cuntrol

    Yeah, yeah, I know — when I brought this zine home from the Zine Fest, I immediately had to hide it from the midgets, for fear that they’d read the title and yell it gleefully throughout the house. That would’ve been bad…

    RAGE Magazine

    Yup, the “Richmond Area Guide to Entertainment,” in-house rag of Richmond Strip kingpin Dennis Lange. And surprise, surprise – guess how many of the bands in the magazine are bands Dennis manages? Anyway, as magazines covering local music go, it’s not great…


    “spacedcityblog” at “gmail dot com”


    2101 Winter Street, Studio B11 Houston, TX. 77007 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 66494 Houston, TX. 77266-6494 713-868-1839 “info” at “spacetaker dot org”

    The Red Pub Magazine

    P.O. Box 70207 Houston, TX. 77270-0207 “contact” at “theredpub.com”

    The Undiscovered Country

    Not completely sure this is still around, but it was in existence at least up to 2004, so I’m leaving it here for now. The Undiscovered Country‘s this dark, kinda morbid lit/music-zine, run by two guys named L. B. Noire and S. R. Prozak

    Worship Guitars

    Don’t have a real-world address for this one, but that’s okay, ’cause I think this is a web-only ‘zine. It’s a combination zine/record label, actually, run by Ramon Medina (who plays in The Linus Pauling Quartet and used to do the KTRU Local Show before Justin Crane)…

    Zillah’s Lamp

    Bear Wilder 6633 W. Airport Blvd., #701 Houston, TX. 77035 (713) 729-3522 “zillahslamp” at “hotmail.com”

    Arcade Zine Distro

    Not a zine, per se, but a zine distro, which I generally find to be almost cooler. They’re still starting out, it looks like, but they’ve got a bunch of stuff in stock, a lot of which I’ve never heard of; they’re not all music-related…

Page by . Page updated Saturday, May 22nd, 2010.

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2 Responses to “Zines”

  1. SPACE CITY ROCK » Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Zine Fest + Wanda Jackson + Telekinesis (MP3!) + Portugal. The Man + Skate & Rock + More on January 5th, 2012 at 9:04 am

    […] Zines […]

  2. Juan Alvarez on January 15th, 2014 at 8:43 pm

    hi my name is Juan Alvarez and im in a pop punk band similar to blink 182, greenday, all time low etc… So i was wondering what do we have to do to get signed and get out on the road and play shows. Thanks i hope to hear from you soon.

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