Shoots Coming Up: In Bloom Music Fest is Less Than Two Months Out

Alright, so by now you’d have to be pretty damn out-of-touch to not know that the much-loved/much-derided summertime Houston music festival known variously as FPSF, Free Press Summer Fest, or just Summerfest is no more. In its place (kind of) is In Bloom. The revamped/rebranded festival is now not in the summer (hence the “kind of”) but will instead be happening in the springtime, on Saturday & Sunday, March 24th & 25th, at the ever-awesome Eleanor Tinsley Park just west of Downtown…

Tonight & This Weekend: White Oak Music Hall Opens Its Doors, At Long Last

I’ve gotta be honest: I was skeptical that White Oak Music Hall, the new purpose-built venue for local music-promotion icons Pegstar, was ever going to really materialize. Ever since the new venue was announced a little over a year ago

FPSF 2014 Preview: Venomous Maximus

It’s 5:00PM on a Sunday, and I may have woken Gregg Higgins from Venomous Maximus. He won’t say. “Sometimes I don’t even know what day it is, either,” he adds, almost seeming to brag…

Venomous Maximus, Beg Upon The Light

It feels a little weird to say, but y’know, what I like best about Beg Upon The Light, Houston-bred doom-/dark-metallers Venomous Maximus’s first full-length album, is, um, the slow, quiet stuff. I know, I know — that’s a pretty damn…

WE LIKE THINGS 2012: Telling you all about the awesome things you (maybe) missed last year.

Yes, another year gone by, and another (ridiculously-late) set of top ten lists from us folks here at SCR of all of the good/amazing/awesome things we ran across in 2012. Your intrepid writerly-type people have gone through literally thousands…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: FPH 10 + EELS + Nicole Atkins + Dax Riggs + Gabe Bravo’s Birthday + More

Hey, all — already into the weekend, I’m afraid, but there’s still lots going on tonight, Friday, March 8th/b>. Get on out the house, y’all…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: The Wheel Workers + Mike Doughty + Coheed and Cambria + American Fangs + Drew Ireland Benefit + More

It’s Saturday, March 2nd, now, y’all, and there’s plenty of good stuff happening both today & tonight. Here’s what I’m liking…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: the last place you look + Venomous Maximus + Thre3style Massive + The Tontons + More

Wow. Tonight’s the first night of the weekend, Friday, December 21st, and it’s not only the first day of Christmas/holiday vacation for some of us (okay, fine; mine was yesterday) but also — if you listen to people who think science is all made-up nonsense but paranoid ideas about aliens and magnetic pole reversal…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Skatestock + The 71’s + Venomous Maximus + ZZ Top + We Scare Coyotes + More

On into Pt. 2 of our weekend, now, on Saturday, October 20th, with some weirdly warm but still pretty nice weather happening, to boot. Which is good, because there’re some cool festival-type things going on, among other musical-ness…

Today: Houston SunBurn Festival 2012 Hits Downtown

Just in case you thought the HPMAs were the only music festival-type thing going on in Downtown this weekend… Got word earlier in the week about a new(?) deal…

2012 Houston Press Music Awards, Right Around the Corner (i.e., This Sunday)

Yes, folks, it’s happening this very weekend — this coming Sunday, August 5th, to be exact. I’ve been sadly, sadly remiss in mentioning it, but the 2012 Houston Press Music Awards is indeed looming close…

Musician to Musician: Venomous Maximus

I had been hearing about Venomous Maximus for a couple years. From the name, I’d expected an all-out blitz of Slayer-type metal, a type of music that I have no interest in whatsoever. However, when they shared the Bryan/College Station Loudfest

2012 HPMAs Ballot, Now Online (UPDATED x2!)

UPDATE: Okay, so apparently I misunderstood the rules for the voting. You can vote not just once, but once per day on the ballot for whoever you want to win, from now until August 5th

Tonight: Venomous Maximus, Saint Vitus, From Beyond, & More, at Fitz

Okay, so I know the “big” news of this week is Summerfest, but what the hell, it’s not like the musical world’s stopped turning completely in anticipation of that, the same way it doesn’t for SXSW. Shows still happen, and some of them, yes, are badass…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Venomous Maximus + Haute Wheels + Black Bananas + More

A bit of a quieter day today (Sunday, May 13th, that is), which makes a little sense, both in that it’s a Sunday and Mother’s Day, and hell, musicians have mothers, too. Well, most of them, at least. There’re a few that I’m pretty sure were hatched in a lab somewhere…

Tonight: High on Fire + MonstrO + Venomous Maximus, Up at Fitz!

Aaaaaaaaaarrrrrararrrgggghhhhh. Fuck, fuck, fuck. How in the hell did I let this show sneak up on me, dammit? I saw it, I listed it, and I said, “hey, I really need to go to that!” And then, here I am, at almost 7PM on Thursday, March 15th

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Main St. Block Party + Something Fierce + CounterCrawl + Indian Jewelry + More

It’s looking like one hell of a Saturday (January 28th, that is), y’all. Not only is there the “biggie” of the bunch, the Main Street Block Party, but there’s also a ton of other stuff going on besides…

Yr. Weekend: Quintron + FPH NYE Cataclysm + CSMDP + The Suspects + Bonanzarama + More

Argh. And now, I’m sick. I’d planned to post about all the festivities going on this weekend, but feeling as shitty as I do, I’m going to have to settle for hitting a handful of the big ones and leaving it at that. Here goes…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Jandek + Caroling at Caroline + El Birthday Metalfest + Jonathan Toubin Benefit + More

On to the next one… Saturday now, December 17th, and while yours truly is currently recovering from a very, very late-night party last night and gearing up for the next, there’s a crap-ton of stuff going on today that is flat-out awesome…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Montrose Winter Social + Linus Pauling Quartet + Rachael Yamagata + Adelaine + More

Alrighty, y’all, it’s now Saturday, December 3rd, and it’s time to hold on to your shit, because today/tonight is where it gets a little bit crazy. Before I get to that, though, I wanted to mention a few changes/odd things…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Jealous Creatures + Street Dogs + Murder the Stout + Fallcore XI + Wheel Workers + More

Late again, I know — sorry about that, y’all, but the family stuff’s really knocked me out this week, which is why I’m typing this late in the evening, while watching Cupcake Wars & the so-far-excellent Rare Exports

Yr. Weekend: HPMA Madness! + Peter Wolf Crier + The Lotus Effect + hasHBrown + H.I.S.D. + More

Yep, yep, yep. We’re now onto Sat., November 12th, and obviously, there’s still plenty to do. To be completely honest, though, there’s one thing that pretty well overrides all the rest, at least for me…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Dead Horse Reunion + FPH Oktoberfest + BMC Block Party + SkateStock + Featherface + More

Wow. It’s another insanely-packed Saturday (October 22nd, specifically), with so much going on there’s no way I’ll be able to talk about all of it. Man….

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Art Institute + Fitz Birthday + Sunrise and Ammunition + Bike to Party + Venomous Maximus + More

Yes, yes — it’s now the weekend, and there’s a lot going on. Things’ll get crazier as the weekend goes on, but even tonight, Friday, September 23rd, is pretty damn nuts. First off (and coming up pretty quick), those crazy art-punks in the aptly-named {Art Institute}

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Balaclavas + Venomous Maximus + The Hunger + Faceplant + More

Sunday, September 4th, heading on into Labor Day, and there’re a few cool-ass shows still going on, despite everybody heading out of town for the three-day weekend & all that…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Canned Acoustica + Amon Amarth + Dead to Me (MP3s!) + Bun B + No Hidden Meanings + More

Yes, yes, y’all, it’s the weekend, once again. Specifically, it’s Friday, August 26th, and it’s a busy one, to be sure… The biggest on my personal list is the latest installment of the Canned Acoustica series put on by photog/scenester Mark C. Austin

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Venomous Maximus (Rev’d!) + Mason Lankford + The Handshake + Kashmere Stage Band + More

Diving headlong into the weekend, now, with Friday, August 19th, and there’s some great stuff going on across town. First, though, just a couple of changes and reschedulings coming… Tonight it appears that Days of the New have cancelled…

Venomous Maximus, The Mission

Maybe it’s because I’ve been watching and reading far, far too much post-apocalyptic stuff lately, but to my ears, at least, there’s something seriously end-of-the-world-sounding about Venomous Maximus’s latest EP, The Mission

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1 (er, 2): The Elected + Featherface + Omotai + A Thousand Cranes + Praia Urbana + More

Sorry I missed last night’s show madness, folks — especially since there was a lot going on. Yours truly is traveling at the moment, and apparently all the nearby wifi networks are locked-down…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Haute Wheels + Smoking Popes + Art Institute + Middlefinger(!) + Crawfish Fest + Venomous Maximus + More

It’s a busy, busy Saturday (May 14th, to be exact) upon us, y’all, and there’s a ton of stuff going on… Since it’s a freaking gorgeous day outside, it’s the daytime-type things that are the most appealing to me, I’d say…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Farewell to KTRU + Phosphorescent (Revd!) + Yppah + Venomous Maximus (Revd!) + Wilco + More

Yep, yep, yep — it’s a Friday (May 6th, to be precise), and here we are again, with a full slate of shows staring us (er, me) right in the face all damn weekend. I’ll try to hit some highlights, or at least what seem to me like highlights…

Venomous Maximus, “Give Up The Witch”/”The Living Dead”

Yeah, I know I’m way, way behind on this one… For some reason, the debut 7″ from metal dudes Venomous Maximus has just taken a little while to grow on me. I’m not entirely sure why — this stuff is really and truly up my alley, especially lately…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Something Fierce (Reviewed!) + The Hold Steady + Joe Pug + Del Tha Funky Homosapien + More

Man. It’s looking to be a crazy, crazy weekend, so I didn’t want to miss giving at least a brief rundown of what all’s going on, starting with tonight, Fri., April 1st

Yr. (Late) Weekend, Pt. 2: Overflow Fest + Giant Battle Monster + The Tyburn Jig + Jealous Creatures + Gladys Knight + More

The site’s getting short shrift again tonight, I’m afraid; it’s been a crazy couple of days, trying to get a ton of stuff done while I’ve been technically on vacation, and right now I’m in the horrific throes of re-doing the back room, which basically means moving everything out of it…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Daniel Johnston’s B-day + Sara Van Buskirk + Venomous Maximus + S.P.E.A.K. II + More

Weekend coming down, and there’s plenty to do & hear, despite the freezing-ass cold. (Seriously, y’all, we’re Texans. We’re adapted to survive the blistering, soul-melting heat of the Houston summer, not bitterly cold winds…)

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: The Sword + Omotai + The Adolescents + Born Liars + Townes Wake + Mammoth Grinder + Binarium + More

Argh. It’s late, I know — this is what happens when the midgets don’t want to go to sleep on time… sigh. But even with the lateness, I couldn’t let tonight slip past, right? Still quite a bit going on, both tonight and tomorrow night…

Yr. Weekend: Venomous Maximus + Nitzer Ebb + Roky Moon & BOLT (reviewed!) + The Posies + Featherface + More

Hey, all — one insane weekend coming up (yeesh…don’t y’all band people go visit your families & whatnot for Thanksgiving?), but unfortunately, I’m kinda short on time to talk about it all, so I’m going to have to run through the next three days (Fri.-Sun., November 26th-28th) real quickly…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Valient Thorr + Red Fang + Kennedy Bakery + Venomous Maximus + Chase Hamblin + More

And then there’s Sunday, October 24th — the quietest day of the weekend, obviously, but still pretty badass thanks to a relatively small handful of excellent-sounding shows. Here’s my list…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Metal Cage Match (Early Man vs. War Master!) + Sideshow Tramps + Fat Tony + Misc. Art/Film + More

What a freaking week, I swear…I feel like I’ve barely stopped moving the whole damn time. Ready for a bit of a break, so I’m obviously happy to see the weekend come rolling in (as it generally does)… Sadly, it’ll have to be a brief one…

Upcoming Shows

H-Town Mixtape

  • 1. After the Storm - The Suffers
  • 2. Human Size - Hearts of Animals
  • 3. A Cruel Weight, Thy Wound - Omotai
  • 4. No Color, No Light - Oceans of Slumber
  • 5. Into The Clearing - EL LAGO
  • 6. Again - Only Beast
  • 7. White Lies - The Wheel Workers
  • 8. Let Her Go - Keeton Coffman
  • 9. Accidents - Jerk
  • 10. I Already Knew - Lisa's Sons



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