Via Colori Paints Downtown, This Weekend

Alright, folks — I had planned to post about this yesterday…and then there was that torrential downpour that hit most of the city last night, and, um, I was afraid I’d put up the post and then immediately have to say, “welp, sorry, it’s been canceled due to the weather.” So I chickened out, I’ll admit it…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Ancient Cat Society + Sour Notes + Blues on the Back Porch + Cinderella + More

A smaller pile of stuff to check out tomorrow, Sunday, July 10th, to be sure, but there’re still a few noteworthy things going on. Most notably, there’s a very cool show going on at Fitz tomorrow night…

Tomorrow: A Benefit for Blues in Hi-Fi’s Clint Broussard

In case you missed the news when it happened, in late March of this year longtime {KTRU} DJ Clint Broussard, the man behind the much-loved Blues in Hi-Fi show for more than a decade…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Omotai (CD release/kickoff) + The Manichean + Weird Party + Continental Club 10th + Colin Hay + More

Trying to get a little bit of a jump on the rest of this weekend, so here’s what looks/sounds good to me tonight, Saturday, July 10th — and yep, as you can see, there’s even more good shit going on than there was on Friday. Here goes…

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