Tonight: Celebrate Steamboat Amps’ Ninth Birthday & New Partnership (and Help Out, Too!)

I’ve played guitar (badly) for most of my life at this point, at least sporadically, but I’ve never, ever been a gearhead. In my younger days, I was more of a whatever-I-can-get-my-hands-on-head, because I couldn’t afford actual decent equipment; when I finally got an okay-paying job, literally the first two things I ran out and bought were a new guitar and (more crucially) a new amp…

One Night, Two Album Releases: Deep Cuts & NEXT WAVE (& A Few Other Things, Too)

I’ve been sorely neglecting things on the upcoming-show front lately, so updating the list these past couple of weeks has made me nearly freaking giddy with excitement about some of the shows we’ve got coming down the pipe. I don’t have time go into details about ’em now (sorry), but I do want to point to two that are coming up real fast, as in, um, tonight, Friday, January 15th. See, apparently the Hoary Gods of Houston Musicks decided that not only should there be one…

Today: Two Cool Open Houses, At SugarHill & Steamboat

It’s Saturday, February 28th, and it’s a cold-ass day outside, I know (for Houstonians, anyway), but there’re at least two reasons to get out of the house, even still. I know the title above makes it look like I’m talking about a couple of ski resorts, but no…

FPSF Preview: The Wheel Workers

Free Press Summerfest 2012 is here! You can already smell the sweet, aromatic mix of beer, B.O., sun block, and swamp ass so unique to outdoor festivals in Houston. But before you plan on skipping out on the daytime acts (you know you thought about it), think about what this festival is really about…

Benjamin Wesley Releases New Song & Prepares to Drop New Album (Hallelujah!)

Alright, so I know there’s a been a ton of upcoming-release info floating to the surface lately, and I swear-swear-swear I’m going to mention it at some point very soon (no, really), but I just got handed some news on that front that I feel utterly, completely compelled to talk about…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Red Fang + Ghost Town Electric + Hits from the Hill + The Droids + More

I’ve been letting Sunday slip by these past few weekends, I’ll admit it, but I honestly can’t this week, because there’s some stuff going on tonight (December 4th) that’s just as cool as what’s been on the past couple of days…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Canned Acoustica + Amon Amarth + Dead to Me (MP3s!) + Bun B + No Hidden Meanings + More

Yes, yes, y’all, it’s the weekend, once again. Specifically, it’s Friday, August 26th, and it’s a busy one, to be sure… The biggest on my personal list is the latest installment of the Canned Acoustica series put on by photog/scenester Mark C. Austin

Roky Moon & BOLT Prepare to Burst Forth Into the World — Be One of the Lucky Few to Bear Witness

A bit late on this, unfortunately, but I wanted to give these guys a shout-out, even still… Back on Monday, the cool, cool people in Roky Moon & BOLT officially announced the kickoff show for their forthcoming West Coast tour, which’ll start Fri., April 8th

Standing Room Only: Behind the Scenes With Roky Moon and BOLT!

SCR was extended an invitation to sit in on the recording sessions of American Honey the new album by Roky Moon and BOLT. It was a chance for me to soak in the creative process of a band that has been an enigma to me for the better part of two years…

Roky Moon & BOLT Make an Album All in One Shot, Monday at SugarHill

Niiiiice. Just got word that retro-glam-rock heroes Roky Moon & BOLT will be invading SugarHill Studios this coming Monday, January 17th

Classic Made New: Roky Moon & BOLT Are Out to Conquer the World

I’ll be honest: when I first heard about Roky Moon & BOLT (then just known as “BOLT,” all caps), I thought it sounded fun, but I seriously doubted it would last. It seemed like one of those one-off things a bunch of scenesters do when they get bored…

Live From Sugarhill Recording Tomorrow: Jonx, Tax, & Me

I have to say, times like this make me feel pretty damn fortunate. See, when {The Jonx} played their final breakup show last month, I couldn’t go — I was frantically packing to leave town early the next morning and trying to get a dozen things done besides…

ZenHill Records

A new record label in town, and definitely a promising one; it’s a joint venture between Dan Workman of H-town’s legendary SugarHill Studios and Ross Wells of Zenfilm

Houston Gets New Record Label: Are We Finally Legit?

I remember talking to Peekaboo Theory early last year when they were considering packing up ship and relocating to Austin. They were frustrated with the lack of musical infrastructure in Houston.

SugarHill Studios

Well, I’ve never used these guys myself, but they’re the big studio in town for local bands (and plenty of others). I’m told they do have a tremendous amount of cool gear, both new & vintage, so that’s a definite plus. Again, I can’t say really what the place is like…

Upcoming Shows

H-Town Mixtape

  • 1. After the Storm - The Suffers
  • 2. Human Size - Hearts of Animals
  • 3. A Cruel Weight, Thy Wound - Omotai
  • 4. No Color, No Light - Oceans of Slumber
  • 5. Into The Clearing - EL LAGO
  • 6. Again - Only Beast
  • 7. White Lies - The Wheel Workers
  • 8. Let Her Go - Keeton Coffman
  • 9. Accidents - Jerk
  • 10. I Already Knew - Lisa's Sons



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