Ruiners, Typecast

Once upon a time, there was an awesome, promising young indie-rock band called Ruiners; they released a handful of songs, one of which, “One,” lived in my head for about six months straight. And then, they were gone. Singer/guitarist Shan Pasha moved to London to go to school…

Good Things Today: At the Drive-In + Football, Etc. + Ruiners + Saint Arnold 23rd Anniversary + Pop Shop Houston + More

Alright, folks — still recovering somewhat from last weekend (a combination of sogginess, tinnitus, and heatstroke), but there’s some truly, truly excellent stuff going on today/tonight (Saturday, June 10th), so I didn’t want to let ’em slip away…

Madness on Main 2017 Rundown, Pt. 2: The Phantom Royals + Handsomebeast + Flyger Woods + Kiko Villamizar + Ruiners + texture: Yellow + MOTHS + Black Pistol Fire

Alright, people — we’re back again with Round 2 of SCR‘s traditional rundowns on as many people playing this weekend’s Madness on Main Music Festival up at White Oak Music Hall as we can manage (and keep our sanity, anyway)…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Listen Around Your Way + Football, etc. + Ruiners + Since Always + Dead Leaf Echo + Emmure + Hip Hop Run Houston + Nikkhoo/P.L.X.T.X + More

Hey, there — it’s now Saturday, March 11th, and while the grand opening festivities that were planned for today over at the rechristened/remodeled Avenida Houston (i.e., the area of Downtown Houston around George R. Brown Convention Center) was postponed to a later date because of the weather, there’s still plenty going on…

Tonight: Stand Together & Rock Out With H-Town Muslims, at Walter’s

Hey, all — long time, right? This new year of ours has been a little rough on yours truly, between frenzied work to meet post-holiday deadlines at the Day Job (and yes, said deadlines have since been moved, naturally), some personal family stuff, holiday recovery time, and the flu thing I’m still fighting right now…

Big, Sparkly, & Loud: Birthday Club Makes Everything Alright in the End

Once, there was a band called Featherface. They were awesome, an intense, thoughtful blast of fuzzy psych-pop goodness. They toured, played SXSW, moved up to Austin, made some trippy, strange videos, got some cool press, and then…poof, they were gone. Before what turned out to be their last-ever show…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Deftones + Mikey & The Drags + The Handshake + SHFL 10-Year Anniversary + Ragged Hearts + More

Next day of the weekend today, with Saturday, March 30th, and it’s kind of on the crazy side tonight; there’s a ton of stuff going on. Here we go…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: KTRU Outdoor Show + Ruiners + Christian Kidd + Craig Kinsey + Kerouac Fest + Le Poeme Harmonique + More

Alright, people — the rest of this weekend, yours truly will essentially be lit on fire and running screaming through the streets (okay, metaphorically, but still). So here’s what’s going on tomorrow, Saturday, March 9th, before I run out of time to talk about it…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: excuseMesir (Final Show!) + Balmorhea + B.E. Godfrey + Omotai + Blackmarket Syndicate + Jason Smith + More

Moving on into Saturday, February 9th, now, and damn, it’s going to be a busy day. I won’t be able to make any of tomorrow night’s shows, myself, because the wife’s planned some special pre-Valentine’s Day that she’s being very mysterious about…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Project Grimm + Brand New Hearts + The Gary + Ruiners + Sarah Jaffe + More

sigh. Friday, February 1st, and I am sorely, sorely behind on the never-timely-to-begin-with weekend rundown, I’m afraid. Apologies for that, folks; been dancing with midgets all evening and am only now able to get back online. But hey, you’ve still got plenty of time to get on off the couch — here we go…

Hear This Now: Ruiners + We Scare Coyotes + Neighbors + Waterparks

With all the talk of top-ten lists and whatnot in recent days — it being the start of the new year and all (and yes, our own pile of top-tens are on the way) — it occurs to me that we here at SCR haven’t pointed forwards a whole lot in recent days & months. Meaning that while we talk a lot about bands we love and adore, well, they’re largely bands you’ve already heard about, either here or somewhere else…

Yr. (Abbreviated) Weekend, Pt. 2: Red Cross Benefit + Stevie & Tara Benefit + Ruiners + DJ Sun + Indian Jewelry + Metalachi + More

Okay, so I probably should have written this up last night, rather than opting for sleep and thus being forced to do this where I am now. Which is sitting in a hotel in Galveston, trying to type quietly in the dark as Munchkin #1 tries to whisper Munchkin #2 to sleep…

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