Day for Night 2017 Rundown, Pt. 2: Nina Kraviz + Pussy Riot + B L A C K I E + Narcons + Andy Stott + Pretty Lights + Perfume Genius + St. Vincent + XLX

Howdy, all — we’re back again with Round Two of our annual-ish bunch of randomly-chosen previews for Day for Night, Houston’s quirkiest music/art/technology/whatever festival, which is nearly upon us…

WE LIKE THINGS 2012: Telling you all about the awesome things you (maybe) missed last year.

Yes, another year gone by, and another (ridiculously-late) set of top ten lists from us folks here at SCR of all of the good/amazing/awesome things we ran across in 2012. Your intrepid writerly-type people have gone through literally thousands…

Join the Pussy Riot Today, Outside the Russian Consulate on 610

Saw this a few days ago and wanted to mention it at least briefly, since it’s happening, well, today, Thursday, August 9th, literally right next door from where I work, at the Russian Consulate

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