Yr Weekend: The Pons (Reviewed!) + Lost In Space + Noisefest + Slack Fest + More

Plenty going on this weekend, that’s for sure; it’s kind of turned out to be somewhat of a red-letter couple of days, in fact… And hey, the snow’s mostly melted, it seems like, so you’ve really got no excuse to stay home, right? Sat., December 5th: The Pons/ listenlisten/ The Tontons/ Gretchen Schmaltz @ The […]

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H-Town Mixtape

  • 1. After the Storm - The Suffers
  • 2. Human Size - Hearts of Animals
  • 3. A Cruel Weight, Thy Wound - Omotai
  • 4. No Color, No Light - Oceans of Slumber
  • 5. Into The Clearing - EL LAGO
  • 6. Again - Only Beast
  • 7. White Lies - The Wheel Workers
  • 8. Let Her Go - Keeton Coffman
  • 9. Accidents - Jerk
  • 10. I Already Knew - Lisa's Sons



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