Yr. Weekend: Lost In Space + The Gary + Western Civ + Deer Tick (MP3!) + Fiesta Movement + Mayday Mayhem + Alkari + More

Before I sign off for a bit, though, I wanted to hit some weekend highlights — and yeah, there’re quite a few, so I’m afraid I’m going to just have to list ’em off, for the most part…

Lost In Space Returns, Tomorrow Night

Meant to talk about this in detail long before now, but other stuff’s been pressing down on me (some of which you’ll hopefully be able to see the fruits of very soon), and it’s kind of slipped down the pile — sorry ’bout that, y’all. My lame slowness is made worse by the fact that […]

The Other Weekend: Awesomely Lost, Spaced, & Cold As Hell

I knew it was going to be cold; I mean, the forecasts all said it’d be chilly. But from when co-organizer Marcus Gausepohl (also of Esotype Records & Golden Cities) told me a couple of months back about this “Lost In Space” festival thing he wanted to put together, with a bunch of spacerock/psych-rock bands […]

Yr Weekend: The Pons (Reviewed!) + Lost In Space + Noisefest + Slack Fest + More

Plenty going on this weekend, that’s for sure; it’s kind of turned out to be somewhat of a red-letter couple of days, in fact… And hey, the snow’s mostly melted, it seems like, so you’ve really got no excuse to stay home, right? Sat., December 5th: The Pons/ listenlisten/ The Tontons/ Gretchen Schmaltz @ The […]

Lost In Space, Scheduled & Questioned

As mentioned a week or so ago, the Lost In Space Fest is set to explode (er, implode?) this coming Saturday (Dec. 5th, for the calendarless), so it seems like some updating is in order. First off, the schedule — the show starts at 6PM at Khon’s Bar (2808 Milam), and it’ll start up on […]

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