Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Pride Festival + Sk8 & Rock + Spain Colored Orange + the last place you look + Swap Meet + More

It’s Saturday now, y’all (June 23rd, to be exact), and holy-freaking-wow is there a lot going on, folks. Here goes…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Kings of Leon Rescheduled + Finnegan + Skate & Rock + Roky Moon & BOLT! + Omotai + Julydoscope + More

Saturday (July 30th, you calendar-less bastards out there) is upon us, and there’s a ton of stuff going on. Before I go into that, though, a bit of bad news: tonight’s show out at Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion with Kings of Leon

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1 (er, 2): The Elected + Featherface + Omotai + A Thousand Cranes + Praia Urbana + More

Sorry I missed last night’s show madness, folks — especially since there was a lot going on. Yours truly is traveling at the moment, and apparently all the nearby wifi networks are locked-down…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Zine Fest + Wanda Jackson + Telekinesis (MP3!) + Portugal. The Man + Skate & Rock + More

Holy crap, is there a lot going on today (Saturday, May 21st). What, didn’t y’all get the memo not to make any plans? Eh; I’ll be partying on no matter what happens, so y’know… First & foremost on my mind, naturally, is this year’s Zine Fest Houston

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