Let The Bass Drop: Surviving FPSF 2013, Day One

If there’s anything I’ve learned in all the years I’ve spent doing critical writing, both in college and after, it’s that you can make anything have a theme. Not that everything actually has a theme, mind you, but rather that if you read…

FPSF 2013 Rundown, Pt. 4: Gogol Bordello + The Octopus Project + Machine Gun Kelly + The Niceguys + Alabama Shakes + Jandek + More

Alright, so I’m going to admit that at this point, four days in, my brain’s pretty much melting from staring at/listening to so many damn bands over the course of this week. But hey, the party can’t stop just because my head hurts, can it? Hell, no…

Free Press Summer Fest Schedule, Now Online (and Yes, Fun to Play With, Too)

Got word today that yes, the official-schmofficial schedule for this year’s Free Press Summer Fest is now online…

2012 HPMAs Ballot, Now Online (UPDATED x2!)

UPDATE: Okay, so apparently I misunderstood the rules for the voting. You can vote not just once, but once per day on the ballot for whoever you want to win, from now until August 5th

Jandek Coming to Sound & Vision at Mango’s, Next Month

Just got some cool, cool news from Jack over at Post Punk’d, who’s one of the organizers of the Sound & Vision music showcases that’ve popped up on the list a few times…

Benjamin Wesley Releases New Album, This Weekend & Next

I mentioned a while back that local do-everything musician/one-man-band {Benjamin Wesley} had a new album coming out, and yep, that happy day is upon us. Er, days, really, to be completely accurate…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Jandek + Caroling at Caroline + El Birthday Metalfest + Jonathan Toubin Benefit + More

On to the next one… Saturday now, December 17th, and while yours truly is currently recovering from a very, very late-night party last night and gearing up for the next, there’s a crap-ton of stuff going on today that is flat-out awesome…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Joe & Alicia Get Married + Haven Benefit + Honky Tonk Blood Brothers + The Illegal Wiretaps + More

Wow. Gonna be a busy weekend, y’all, although tonight (Fri., December 16th) isn’t quite as insane as tomorrow night. Before I go into the big-ass list, just a couple of things I wanted to note…

Blackfish at DiverseWorks Saturday April 30th

The improvisational duo Blackfish comes to Houston Saturday night to play their mindbending drone in the DiverseWorks Artspace. I’ve been listening to samples of their previous improvisational compositions…

Update: City Light (Tonight!) + listenlisten (5/15!) + O Pioneers!!! (5/16!) + Jandek + Lamb of God + More

New week (er, two weeks), so new stuff up on the site, in typical oh-so-timely SCR fashion. First up, San Franciscans City Light will be opening for the also-excellent Her Space Holiday (see Wes B.’s review of the last time HSH came through town here) tonight up at Walter’s on Washington, along with the utterly […]

REWIND: Heavy Metal, Ephemera, and Popular Culture: A Chat with The Mountain Goats

The Mountain Goats are John Darnielle. Literate, energetic, sincere, and acoustic, he’s one of the best things going in music today. His lyrics manage to paint knowing pictures of real humanity with an economy and emotional strength…

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