Tonight: Celebrate the Houston Press Music Awards (Well, the Afterparty, Anyway)

As we mentioned a short while back, this year’s Houston Press Music Awards are upon us. While I’m sure there was some whining and griping, as always, especially about the new, more free-form, less rigid categories…

2016 Houston Press Music Award Nominees Now Up

Yes, it’s true — the list of nominees for this year’s Houston Press Music Awards has been released. Hang on…3, 2, 1, okay there we go — cue the complaints about the new format, gripes about deserving bands being overlooked, diatribes about how it’s all pointless anyway…

Almost Down to the Wire: Vote for the HPMAs Now, If You Haven’t Already

Yep, I’m waaaay late to this party, unfortunately, but not quite too late, which is always good. The ever-excellent Houston Press Music Awards are still open for voting, right up until August 12th (i.e., tomorrow), at 11:59PM (i.e., midnight). If you have not yet cast your vote — you can only do it once, sorry — well, you’re in luck…

HPMA 2015 Nominations Live; Get Your Picks In Before Midnight

Hey, folks — yes, we’ve rolled around to that time again, when H-town gets together to pick the local cream of the crop, as it were, of our city’s burgeoning-but-underground (and yeah, we don’t give a damn if you recognize it) music scene. The nominations are now wide, wide open for this year’s edition of the Houston Press Music Awards

Tonight: The Houston Press Music Awards Steal the Show

Yes, yes, yes. Apologies for the quiet these past several days, folks — your humble Editor Guy Jeremy has been off on vacation in Southern California with the fam, seeing more LEGO sculptures than he ever imagined could exist in one place, and frequent writer/photo guy Jason has been computer-less of late due to some very bad technical difficulties. I (Jeremy, that is) am still recuperating somewhat from my sunburn/damaged legs, but nevertheless, tonight, Thursday, August 7th, promises to be pretty dang great…

The HPMAs Are Here! (Kind Of!) Vote Now! Controversy!

Alright, so I’m way behind, naturally, on this, but I wanted to point out to the woefully-clueless who don’t already know that the justly-ballyhooed Houston Press Music Awards are once more upon us…

Right Down to the Wire: Houston Press Music Award Nominations Close Tonight!

Yeah, yeah — I know I’ve been extremely remiss (again) in posting about this year’s nominations for the Houston Press Music Awards, to the point that, um, the deadline to submit your nominations is today…

WE LIKE THINGS 2012: Telling you all about the awesome things you (maybe) missed last year.

Yes, another year gone by, and another (ridiculously-late) set of top ten lists from us folks here at SCR of all of the good/amazing/awesome things we ran across in 2012. Your intrepid writerly-type people have gone through literally thousands…

Girls Rock Camp Showcase, This Evening at Warehouse Live

Along with the HPMAs, tonight (Sun., August 5th) at Warehouse Live is noteworthy also for being the end-of-camp showcase for this year’s Girls Rock Camp Houston

2012 Houston Press Music Awards, Right Around the Corner (i.e., This Sunday)

Yes, folks, it’s happening this very weekend — this coming Sunday, August 5th, to be exact. I’ve been sadly, sadly remiss in mentioning it, but the 2012 Houston Press Music Awards is indeed looming close…

2012 HPMAs Ballot, Now Online (UPDATED x2!)

UPDATE: Okay, so apparently I misunderstood the rules for the voting. You can vote not just once, but once per day on the ballot for whoever you want to win, from now until August 5th

2012 HPMA Nominations Close This Evening

I’ve been really, truly remiss in not mentioning this ’til now, but I just wanted to point to it before the time runs out: the nominations for the 2012 Houston Press Music Awards end today

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Via Colori + Square and Compass + Art Market + Nameless Sound + More

Yep, we’re onto Saturday now, November 19th, and there’s still a crapload of stuff going on; I’m going to have to keep it a little brief, though. Here goes…

Yr. Weekend: HPMA Madness! + Peter Wolf Crier + The Lotus Effect + hasHBrown + H.I.S.D. + More

Yep, yep, yep. We’re now onto Sat., November 12th, and obviously, there’s still plenty to do. To be completely honest, though, there’s one thing that pretty well overrides all the rest, at least for me…

2011 HPMA Showcase Schedule Now Online

In case you hadn’t already seen it, yesterday Craig Hlavaty of the {Houston Press} posted the official (albeit somewhat tentative, apparently) schedule for this year’s Houston Press Music Awards Showcase

Houston Press Music Awards: Voting Starts Today

Yep, as of yesterday evening, those tireless folks over at the {Houston Press} have officially tallied up all the nomination ballots (more than 9000 votes!) and released the official-schmofficial ballot

HPMA Nomination Time: Vote by Tomorrow, or It’s Your Fault, Dammit

Yeah, yeah — I realized I’m way, way behind on this one; that’s just how the past month or so’s been, unfortunately. But hey, in case you, like me, are swamped and distracted and whatever else, consider this your wakeup call/reminder…

Tonight: We Landed On The Moon! + Tody Castillo + Bright Men + HPMA Preview + Landmine Marathon + More

It’s a busy one tonight, esp. for a Thursday (July 22nd, to be specific), so I figured I’d mention some of the shows going on that sound good to yours truly, for those who’ll be out-and-about this evening…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Lightning Bolt + Indian Jewelry + football,etc. + Bright Men + Darwin’s Finches + Tread + HPMA News + More

Yep, it’s that time again, and there’s quite a bit going on this weekend, starting tonight, Friday, July 9th. Assuming the weather holds, it’s looking like it could be pretty badass. Before we go there, though, I’d like to point y’all over to…

Rock Houston: The Houston Press Music Awards Showcases

[Ed. Note: writer/blogger Rock Houston sent this in a few days after the Houston Press Music Awards Showcase, but yours truly was out of the town & swamped after that, so it didn’t go up ’til, well, right now. Enjoy…] Rock Houston here. The following are my thoughts on the bands I saw at the […]

The Press Surveys The Scene, in Time for the HPMAs

Nice, nice, nice. The Houston Press‘s Chris Gray has a piece in this week’s dead-trees version of the paper called “Progress Report”, where he marks the coming of this weekend’s Houston Press Music Awards Showcase by taking an overview of the scene here in our currently-overheated city. For the most part, I think the article’s […]

Houston Press Awards Nominees Announced (+Showcase, 7/26!)

Sweet…looks like the Houston Press‘s Chris Gray (on whom I flaked ridiculously a while back and am sincerely apologetic, btw, should he ever read this; sorry, man…) has put up the list of nominated folks for this year’s much-anticipated Houston Press Music Awards. And when I say “much-anticipated,” I swear I’m serious; more awesomely good […]

HPMA Nomination Time! (+ Bonus Music Rant!)

Yes, yes, yes, folks — it’s that time of year, again, when we Houstonians get to fly the middle finger high in the face of other burgs and say, “our bands could wipe the sidewalk with yours.” Yep, I’m talkng about the Houston Press Music Awards, for which the nominating started yesterday. So go, go, […]

Upcoming Shows

H-Town Mixtape

  • 1. After the Storm - The Suffers
  • 2. Human Size - Hearts of Animals
  • 3. A Cruel Weight, Thy Wound - Omotai
  • 4. No Color, No Light - Oceans of Slumber
  • 5. Into The Clearing - EL LAGO
  • 6. Again - Only Beast
  • 7. White Lies - The Wheel Workers
  • 8. Let Her Go - Keeton Coffman
  • 9. Accidents - Jerk
  • 10. I Already Knew - Lisa's Sons



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