Hear This Now: Brand New Hearts + Hoofprints + Oceans of Slumber + Valens

I know I tend to not follow through with stuff like this, but dangit, we’re gonna do this thing, people. So here’s the second-ever installment of Hear This Now, which is where we shine a brief spotlight on a handful of new(-ish) bands…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: False Idols + Peloton + A Sea Es + The Temper Trap + Two Star Symphony + More

Start of the weekend, folks, and yeah, it’s looking like a damn busy one, kicking off tonight, Friday, October 26th, and rolling on from there. Here’s what’s up for this evening…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Stars + California Wives (MP3s!) + Holder + B L A C K I E + Wheel Workers + David Ramirez + More

Dang, y’all — late as usual, I’m afraid, but there’s still lots going on tonight, Friday, October 12th. I’ll forego the chitchat, given the untimeliness of this; here we go…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: The Pons + Featherface + Mountains + The Suffers + Pleasure Shapes + Square and Compass + Howler + More

Yep, it’s Saturday now, February 18th, and the weekend rolls on; there’s a crap-ton of cool things (well, what I happen to think are cool things, anyway) going on this evening, so get ready to dodge the torrential downpour & get out there…

The Other Night: Lanceapalooza, All Night Long at The Exoskeleton

Editorial-ish Note: In spite of actually going to a fair number of shows this past spring & summer, I’ve been really, really bad about doing those little writeup thingies in this here blog. I’ve had grand dreams of writing up every damn show I’ve seen…

Lance Graduates From, Um, Houston: Lance’s Senior Recital, Tonight

Well, while it definitely makes me sad to see him go, it’s cool that he’s doing it in typically unique style… Tonight, Sat., July 17th, right before drummer/electronicist/Latin teacher/show organizer/all-round good guy Lance Higdon skips town for, um, maybe-fairer climes of Atlanta

Tonight: Electric Attitude Hit the Road (And Yeah, Other People Do, Too)

I’m sure I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: as somebody who’s been a passionate observer of the music scene here in H-town for something like 15 years now, it does my soul good to see that these days nearly every damn band in town is attempting to hit the road and play to non-hometown crowds…

Summerfest Rundown, Pt. 2: Yokomono + Robert Ellis + Terry Slesser(?) + Growlers + Golden Cities + Grandfather Child + More

Back again with installment No. 2 of my little totally-random rundown of bands & musicians playing the Free Press Summerfest this coming Saturday & Sunday, June 5th & 6th. I’m going to miss half the damn thing, it looks like, unfortunately…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Linus Pauling Quartet + Golden Cities + Side Arms + Scale The Summit + Dax Riggs + The Bangles + More

Time for the second installment of the weekend’s cool shows, and tonight’s actually more jam-packed, if anything, than last night. Let’s just cut to the chase, eh? Here’s what sounds good to yours truly: ST-37/Linus Pauling Quartet (split-7″ release)/Golden Cities @ Rudyard’s

Linus Pauling Quartet/ST37, “Monster”/”Lactating Purple”

Hard though it might be to imagine, the new split-7″ release by Houston stoner-sludge-rock dudes the Linus Pauling Quartet and Austinite psych-rock heroes ST37 kind of took me by surprise, in good ways and bad. First off, the Quartet’s track, “Monster,” eschews the band’s trademark thundering guitar attack…

Lost In Space Returns, Tomorrow Night

Meant to talk about this in detail long before now, but other stuff’s been pressing down on me (some of which you’ll hopefully be able to see the fruits of very soon), and it’s kind of slipped down the pile — sorry ’bout that, y’all. My lame slowness is made worse by the fact that […]

Last-Minute Show + Some Bad News: Resonant Interval, Right Now

Argh. Spent the day mostly blissfully disconnected from all things Internet-like, so I’m only seeing this now… Turns out that there’s a surprise Resonant Interval Sound Series show tonight up at the group’s new space, which is yet another currently-unused retail area in the Mekong Center building (2808 Milam). They’re calling it “The Exoskeleton,” which […]

Update: Golden Cities + Loney, Dear (2/10) + P.O.S. + Built By Snow (2/14) + More

Already posted about the review of the eponymous Golden Cities album, but I didn’t want to skip over the other excellent reviews up this week, as well, esp. since some of ’em are coming to town in the next week or so. Next up on the list, in fact, is Loney, Dear, who’ll be here […]

Golden Cities, Reviewed + Tonight (w/Appleseed Cast!)

Gotta make this a quick one, a very cool review got slapped up on the site just in the nick o’ time, and I’d be very remiss if I flaked on it completely, y’know? So, here we go… Tonight at Rudyard’s, local boys/Esotype Recs honchos Golden Cities will be opening for The Appleseed Cast (along […]

Golden Cities, Golden Cities

It’d be way, way easy to lump Golden Cities in with the whole guitar-heavy, spacey-atmospherics crowd, tag them as Explosions in the Sky 2.0 (3.5?), and move on. I mean, there’s a fair bit of doubled, echoey guitars on here…

Upcoming Shows

H-Town Mixtape

  • 1. After the Storm - The Suffers
  • 2. Human Size - Hearts of Animals
  • 3. A Cruel Weight, Thy Wound - Omotai
  • 4. No Color, No Light - Oceans of Slumber
  • 5. Into The Clearing - EL LAGO
  • 6. Again - Only Beast
  • 7. White Lies - The Wheel Workers
  • 8. Let Her Go - Keeton Coffman
  • 9. Accidents - Jerk
  • 10. I Already Knew - Lisa's Sons



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