Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: American Fangs + Hell City Kings + Hello Chief + B.E. Godfrey + Frenetic After Dark + Lincoln Durham + More

Damn. This weekend’s really crept up on me, I have to say; I’ve been spending the past few weeks doing other things, and now I’m scrambling to pick up the pieces, both here and at The Day Job. sigh. Hope everybody out there had a good, safe, not-tragic holiday…

Houston Fringe Festival, Going On Now

sigh. I’d meant to post about the damn thing before it got underway, but, as with these things, that didn’t happen… So, instead, here we are, and the FrenetiCore group’s Houston Fringe Festival is under way…

Upcoming Shows

H-Town Mixtape

  • 1. After the Storm - The Suffers
  • 2. Human Size - Hearts of Animals
  • 3. A Cruel Weight, Thy Wound - Omotai
  • 4. No Color, No Light - Oceans of Slumber
  • 5. Into The Clearing - EL LAGO
  • 6. Again - Only Beast
  • 7. White Lies - The Wheel Workers
  • 8. Let Her Go - Keeton Coffman
  • 9. Accidents - Jerk
  • 10. I Already Knew - Lisa's Sons



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