Day for Night Throws Some Badass Food into the Mix

Okay, so we’re hard at work on our whole set of previews/rundowns for Day for Night, which starts up tonight, Friday, December 16th, with its VIP-only kick-off party and runs through Saturday & Sunday, December 17th & 18th, but we couldn’t let this slip completely by…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Lightning Bolt + Indian Jewelry + football,etc. + Bright Men + Darwin’s Finches + Tread + HPMA News + More

Yep, it’s that time again, and there’s quite a bit going on this weekend, starting tonight, Friday, July 9th. Assuming the weather holds, it’s looking like it could be pretty badass. Before we go there, though, I’d like to point y’all over to…

My Table: Houston’s Dining Magazine

Yeah, yeah — so, My Table doesn’t have a damn thing to do with music; so what? Few people who live here even notice it, but Houston has some of the best restaurants in the whole country, and some of the really good ones…

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