Tonight: Hot Water Music + OFF! + Grandfather Child + Folk Family Revival + Coog Radio Anniversary + More

Sorry for the recent quiet, all, but I’ve been out of town for Day Job work, meeting people & hiking around Cambridge, MA. (Which is very, very cool, incidentally, even if it’s more expensive than God to live here.) However, there is literally a heaping pile of awesomeness happening back on the home front…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: The Tontons + Featherface (Rev’d!) + Blackmarket Syndicate + The Mink Last Call + More

And here we are at Sat., September 1st, the start of yours truly’s very own birth month, and there are a crap-ton of good shows happening, almost all of ’em stellar H-town lineups. Here’s what sounds/looks good to me…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Tom Carter Benefit + Weird Party + False Idols + Free The Water + Silver Snakes (MP3!) + More

Holy shit. That is one hell of a jam-packed evening, y’all; tonight (Friday, August 24th) is literally over-freaking-flowing with great, great shows, so many that I’m going to have to leave a few out, I’m afraid. Here we go…


If your “music” absolutely must have melodies and sweetly-sung vocals and nice, clean production, well, you’re going to want to stay far, far the fuck away from P.L.X.T.X’s debut EP, TIME. If, on the other hand, you’re willing to listen to music that’s rough…

2012 Houston Press Music Awards, Right Around the Corner (i.e., This Sunday)

Yes, folks, it’s happening this very weekend — this coming Sunday, August 5th, to be exact. I’ve been sadly, sadly remiss in mentioning it, but the 2012 Houston Press Music Awards is indeed looming close…

Sporadic MP3age: New Female Demand & B L A C K I E

Whoa — while we do get sent a crap-ton of MP3 links for various bands, it’s not often that I open the Inbox to find not one but two new tracks from bands I love, particularly not both from right here in H-town…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Female Demand + The Lemonheads + Southern Backtones + Downtown & Whiskey + More

Howdy, folks — it’s Friday, February 10th, the first day of the weekend (technically, anyway; I’d intended to mention last night’s shows this week, too, but ran out of time — sorry…), and while it’s not as busy as several weekends have been lately…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: The Octopus Project + Benefit for Tim Young + Co-Pilot + Clory Martin + The Suffers + More

It’s gonna be a crazy one, y’all; this weekend is insanely busy, with tons of stuff going on each & every night, starting with tonight, 11/11/11. I swear, it’s just been like that lately — the weekends when not much good is happening have been few & far between…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: BestFest + Literary Greats + Wine Fest + Peloton + Moon Tower B-Day + Mix Master Mike + More

Holy shit, there is a lot going on tomorrow, Saturday, Sept. 24th. I can barely wrap my head around all of it, seriously, so I’m going to have to just hit the highlights, y’all. The biggie, of course, is the Houston Press Best of Houston BestFest

The Manichean Head Out West

Damn…I am so far behind on the ever-growing pile of local music-related happenings I keep meaning to post about that it’s not even funny. sigh. I got word on this one tonight, so I figured I’d post…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: This Year’s Tiger + Born Again Virgins + Holy Fiction + The Canvas Waiting + Upcoming Stuff + More

Heading on into the weekend, y’all, so here’s our semi-regular rundown, again in its kinda-sorta-expanded form. (Although I have to admit that I did like doing last week’s quick blast-out of everything…)

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: George Clinton + Quintron + Leo Party + The Lotus Effect + The Dead Rabbits + Filter + More

Wow. The first of several busy-busy nights, looks like — tonight (Friday, July 23rd) is looking pretty epic, with a ton of possibilities for all you valiant show-going folk out there…

Summerfest Rundown, Pt. 4: Female Demand + Miniature Tigers + Nosaprise + Leg Sweeper + Wild Moccasins + Sour Notes (MP3!)

Once again, here we are with yet more preview-type things of this weekend’s looming Clash of the Musical Titans, Free Press Summerfest. I’m going to have to keep these short(-er), I’m afraid, but I’ll do the best I can — seeing as tomorrow’s the start of the fest…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Linus Pauling Quartet + Golden Cities + Side Arms + Scale The Summit + Dax Riggs + The Bangles + More

Time for the second installment of the weekend’s cool shows, and tonight’s actually more jam-packed, if anything, than last night. Let’s just cut to the chase, eh? Here’s what sounds good to yours truly: ST-37/Linus Pauling Quartet (split-7″ release)/Golden Cities @ Rudyard’s

Female Demand, Female Demand

Of the four tracks on Female Demand’s self-titled EP, the one that hits the hardest is the opener, “Sweet Nothing” — it starts off with almost wah-wah-sounding bass and stuttering, barely-restrained drums, then stomps its way into two minutes and change of driving, thundering, bass-and-drums instrumental rawk…

Update + Yr. Weekend (Pt. 1): Top Tens + Fiery Furnaces/Drug Rug (Tonight!) + Female Demand (1/30!) + Jonathan Richman + More

Got some new stuff up this week, so I wanted to pop over here & mention it, as well as hit the high notes for this evening (Friday, January 29th, you non-calendar-having bastards). First & foremost, I’m pleased as heck to announce that we’ve got the 2009 installment of the “WE LIKE THINGS” series, aka […]

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