This Weekend: Middlelands Mashes Up Knights, Lasers, Wenches, & Bass Drops

As noted previously, we’ve got a crap-ton of festivals coming up in and around the Houston area — seriously, there’s like a festival almost every other weekend for the next couple of months…

The Future Is Coming: Get Yourself Ready for Day for Night

Oh, man. I got a bit wrapped up in the countdown to Yes, Indeed! 2016 last week, so I let this one slip a bit, and that means that unless you’ve been sailing a raft across the ocean for seven or eight days now — or, alternately, hate music and/or joy, in which case I don’t have a clue how you’re reading this — you know that the organizers of Day for Night, FPSF‘s quasi-sister festival in the winter months, released the official lineup…

Tomorrow: Badass Beer + Badass Music, at Untapped Houston

Okay, here I am typing this, and part of me is snickering and saying, seriously, who am I kidding? If you’re a fan of craft beers and/or music, odds are pretty good you’re already well aware of Untapped Houston, the H-town installment of the now Texas-wide music-and-brews showcase Untapped

Today: The KTRU Outdoor Show Fears No Rain (and Includes Ex Hex, Stalls, GoldLink, Deep Cuts, Fat Tony, & More)

Yep, it’s that time of year once again, when venerable, now-online/HD radio station KTRU throws wide its arms and has its big annual party, otherwise known as the KTRU Outdoor Show

Tonight: B L A C K I E, Cities Aviv, & Fat Tony at Notsuoh (for Free!)

Hey, all — short notice show time… This one kinda crept up on me, so I only found out about it today, but I wanted to make a mention of it, at least, since it’s damn cool. Bassman Pep of AR*V is putting this on over at the ever-entertaining bastion of Downtown strangeness, Notsuoh

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: KTRU Outdoor Show + Ruiners + Christian Kidd + Craig Kinsey + Kerouac Fest + Le Poeme Harmonique + More

Alright, people — the rest of this weekend, yours truly will essentially be lit on fire and running screaming through the streets (okay, metaphorically, but still). So here’s what’s going on tomorrow, Saturday, March 9th, before I run out of time to talk about it…

Tonight: The Tontons Play a Make-Up Show at Walter’s

So, me not being a wine fan, I didn’t make it out to the Houston Wine Fest this past weekend. And neither, as it turns out, were headlining band {The Tontons}

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: The Eastern Sea (Rev’d!) + Young Mammals + Belle Manoir + Fat Tony + Close Your Eyes + More

Holy wow, y’all. It’s Friday, July 6th, which means the weekend’s started, and damn, it’s a busy, busy, busy one, in the best possible way. Before we dive into it, though, I just want to give a heartfelt thumbs-up to {The Tontons}

2012 HPMAs Ballot, Now Online (UPDATED x2!)

UPDATE: Okay, so apparently I misunderstood the rules for the voting. You can vote not just once, but once per day on the ballot for whoever you want to win, from now until August 5th

Doomtree, Coming to Town Next Week (Plus MP3s/Video)

Holy shit, y’all. Aside from the growing host of H-town’s own homegrown heroes ({Fat Tony}, {B L A C K I E}, {iLL LiaD}, hasHBrown, {Nosaprise}, & {The Niceguys}, I’m looking at you) and perennial favorite Atmosphere

Yr. Weekend: Quintron + FPH NYE Cataclysm + CSMDP + The Suspects + Bonanzarama + More

Argh. And now, I’m sick. I’d planned to post about all the festivities going on this weekend, but feeling as shitty as I do, I’m going to have to settle for hitting a handful of the big ones and leaving it at that. Here goes…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Joe & Alicia Get Married + Haven Benefit + Honky Tonk Blood Brothers + The Illegal Wiretaps + More

Wow. Gonna be a busy weekend, y’all, although tonight (Fri., December 16th) isn’t quite as insane as tomorrow night. Before I go into the big-ass list, just a couple of things I wanted to note…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Titan Blood + B L A C K I E + WHAM Preview + Fat Tony + Blistering Speeds + More

Crazy, crazy weekend on the way, y’all, but I’m going to have to keep this brief for the moment, ’cause I’m feeling fried already. Tonight, obviously, is Friday, November 18th; here’s what’s going on this evening that I happen to think looks/sounds good…

Yr. Weekend: HPMA Madness! + Peter Wolf Crier + The Lotus Effect + hasHBrown + H.I.S.D. + More

Yep, yep, yep. We’re now onto Sat., November 12th, and obviously, there’s still plenty to do. To be completely honest, though, there’s one thing that pretty well overrides all the rest, at least for me…

Tonight: Russian Circles (MP3) + The Fox Derby + La Snacks + Clory Martin + Saves The Day + More

A little early for the end-of-week rundown, I know, but heck, I’m trying to get a little bit of a head start on things, at least, and there’s some very cool stuff going on these next couple of pre-weekend days, so I didn’t want to miss out on it…

Houston Press Music Awards: Voting Starts Today

Yep, as of yesterday evening, those tireless folks over at the {Houston Press} have officially tallied up all the nomination ballots (more than 9000 votes!) and released the official-schmofficial ballot

BandCamping: Bang Bangz & Fat Tony Put Up New Songs

There’s a crap-ton of new stuff exploding out of our sweaty, steamy city right now; so much that I can barely keep up with it, honestly… It seems like every time I turn around, there’s a new band/project/etc. meandering its way through…

Tonight: Fat Tony & B L A C K I E Tour Kickoff

Sorry I neglected to post about yesterday’s shows, folks — ended up spending the weekend down in Surfside, digging in the sand for little clams and crashing through the waves, and the wi-fi was less than reliable, sadly…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Dharmageddon + Bexar City Bastards (Rev’d!) + Niceguys(?) + Mantis + DJ Craig H + More

Running behind again, sadly, which sucks, because there’s one hell of a show going on tonight (Friday, August 12th) up at Fitzgerald’s

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Kings of Leon Rescheduled + Finnegan + Skate & Rock + Roky Moon & BOLT! + Omotai + Julydoscope + More

Saturday (July 30th, you calendar-less bastards out there) is upon us, and there’s a ton of stuff going on. Before I go into that, though, a bit of bad news: tonight’s show out at Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion with Kings of Leon

Houston Web Awards, Tonight — Congrats to the Winners!

Niiiice. Y’know, what with this whole “Web” thing finally looking like it’s not going away within the next year, it’s good to see somebody like the {Houston Press} stepping up to recognize the leading lights of the H-town-based Interwebs…

Dance Down the Rain: Surviving Summerfest 2011, Day Two

Damn. First off, yes, I do realize it’s been two freaking weeks since the end of this year’s Free Press Summerfest, and a week-and-a-half since the first installment

Yr. (Early) Weekend: Canned Acoustica 3 + Jealous Creatures + The Fox Derby + Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. + Generationals + More

There’s some very, very cool stuff going on tonight (Thurs., May 26th), so I wanted to pop on here & mention it; sorry for the quiet these past several days… First & kinda-sorta foremost, over at Warehouse Live

Twenty Eleven, Renewable Energy

I know I can tend to be overly effusive when it comes to reviewing music, especially from local musicians, so I’ve made a vow to be more exacting, more harsh — less Fresh Prince and more Samuel L. Jackson. And that’s going to happen right after this review…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Roky Moon & BOLT (Sold Out!) + Jealous Creatures + Chingo Bling + Houston Sound + Pains of Being Pure at Heart + Fired For Walking + More

Damn. It’s been an insanely busy-busy-busy week, to the point where this weekend has seriously crept up behind and mugged me. Gah… Got to keep this relatively short, but there is a lot going on this weekend, starting tonight, Fri., April 8th, and you really, truly should not miss out…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Kings of Leon + Tax the Wolf + Featherface + Poor Dumb Bastards + Born Liars + Cavernous + More

Saturday, April 2nd, and even though there was plenty of cool stuff going on last night, it kinda feels like the weekend’s just getting started, honestly… Lots and lots going on this evening, y’all. First & possibly foremost to a lot of folks is the continuing Big Dance Concert Series thing…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Something Fierce (Reviewed!) + The Hold Steady + Joe Pug + Del Tha Funky Homosapien + More

Man. It’s looking to be a crazy, crazy weekend, so I didn’t want to miss giving at least a brief rundown of what all’s going on, starting with tonight, Fri., April 1st

Something Fierce Record Release, Tonight at Mango’s

Yep; in case you hadn’t already seen/heard the news, awesome, awesome H-town punk trio {Something Fierce} are back on the scene again, with new full-length Don’t Be So Cruel due out April 12th

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: football, etc. (Reviewed!) + Koffin Kats + Fat Tony + SXSW Overflow + Sean Reefer + More

Apologies (as always) for the lateness of this one; spent the last two days having Family Time at the Rodeo (where I had to attempt to explain the origin of the St. Patrick’s Day holiday to an annoyed South African carny) & out at the Blue Bell factory in Brenham (which I’d never been to before)…

Houston in Austin: Hometown Folks Playing SXSW 2011

Okay, I’ll admit it: I’m watching the SXSW coverage ramping up and feeling somewhat bummed that I’m not there to witness it. sigh. This may sound a little crazy, but I’ve only ever been to SXSW one damn time…

KTRU Outdoor Show Lineup Announced

In case you thought the Free Press Summerfest was the only hotly-anticipated local festival-type deal still to come this spring/summer — yep, we’re fast approaching the annual, awesomely fun (and free, which is always cool) KTRU Outdoor Show

WE LIKE THINGS 2010: Amazingness you need to hear & see from last year.

So, the Grammys are well and over, so I guess it’s about time to get the Official Space City Rock Top-Ten Lists of Amazingly Cool Things You Must See/Hear/Whatever (late, late, late, sure, but hey, we meant to do that, alright?). Read it, and obey…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: FPH 8-Year Anniversary + Artopia + A Thousand Cranes + Andy McKee + Miss Leslie + More

Saturday, January 30th is upon us (well, technically, anyway, since midnight just passed), and there’s still a crap-ton of stuff to check out, as before. Here’s where I’d go, if, um, I were you…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Main Street Block Party + NOFX + Latch Key Kids + One Mic Houston + Tattooed For Good + Metal Summit 4 + More

Aaaaand here’s the biggie of the weekend — Saturday, January 22nd, is looking like an awesomely busy, option-filled day, I have to say. Not sure if I’ll be able to make it out to any of this stuff, but hey, you definitely shouldn’t follow my example…

Time to Recognize: Your Name [HERE] Media Wants to Put Your Name In Lights

Houston has always, always had awesome, amazing bands. Screw the naysayers; it’s the honest-to-God truth. Even in the lean times, even when 99.9% of this city thought “Houston music” was pretty much ZZ Top, Destiny’s Child, and nothing else…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Paris Falls (Reviewed!) + The Suspects + Girls Rock Camp Benefit + Javelin + Featherface + More

Well, it’s Saturday (January 15th, to be exact), and I’m busily doing the family stuff — playing with the kids, getting up on the roof to dig leaves out of the gutters, the usual — but I didn’t want to let all the excellent stuff going on tonight slip past…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1 (NYE!): Warpaint + The Wild Moccasins + Mobley + New Years Noise + More

Well, folks, the end of 2010 is upon us; both the end of a year and the end of a decade. I’m tempted to take a minute to complain about the latter, in particular, because in a lot of ways the ’00s was not the era I was hoping for…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: the last place you look + Temporary Insanity + The Eastern Sea + Caddywhompus (Reviewed!/Free Download!) + Lotus Effect + More

And oh, what a weekend it is, y’all. sigh. I doubt I’m going to be able to make it out for any of this stuff — on baby/toddler duty, sadly — but seriously, there’re some amazing shows going on over the next couple of days…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Wu-Tang Clan + Pik-N-Pak Reunion + Rock the Shelter + Toys 4 Tots + Binarium + More

Believe it or not, this Sunday, December 12th, is looking, if anything, like a busier day (show-wise, that is) than the rest of the weekend. How often does that happen? Not real often, y’all. So take advantage, ’cause there’s some good shit going down…

Giveaway Time: Tickets to the PEASE OUT NYE Bash, with Warpaint, UME, & More

As you can probably imagine, there’s going to be plenty going on ’round here when New Year’s Eve rolls through. There’re a few shows that jump out, though, notably the PEASE OUT 2011 NYE Party thing…

Upcoming Shows

H-Town Mixtape

  • 1. After the Storm - The Suffers
  • 2. Human Size - Hearts of Animals
  • 3. A Cruel Weight, Thy Wound - Omotai
  • 4. No Color, No Light - Oceans of Slumber
  • 5. Into The Clearing - EL LAGO
  • 6. Again - Only Beast
  • 7. White Lies - The Wheel Workers
  • 8. Let Her Go - Keeton Coffman
  • 9. Accidents - Jerk
  • 10. I Already Knew - Lisa's Sons



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