Yes, Indeed! 2016 Rundown, Pt. 1: JVS Reel + Nicole Starch & Torpedoed Heart + Whit + A Tribute to the Sun + Ringo Deathstarr + All People + dUNETX + Jon Black

Yes, friends, neighbors, Houstonianites, it’s just about time again for the “other” half of the bi-annual music festival extravaganza that’s known either as the Yes, Indeed! Music Festival or Madness on Main Street, both put on by super-organized people Jason Smith and Phil “Bassman Pep” Peterson

Madness on Main Street, This Saturday (Rundown, Pt. 1): Nathan Quick + LaTasha Lee and the Black Ties + dUNE.TX + Keeton Coffman + Deep Cuts

Now, just because there’s lots of blathering going on about FPSF, that doesn’t mean there’s nothing else awesome and festival-y coming up. In fact, I’ve been horribly, ridiculously remiss ’til now by not mentioning…

Think Like A Photographer: FPSF 2013, Looking Through the Viewfinder

I’m supposed to be on vacation! And here it is July, and I’m finally finding time to write about my Free Press Summer Festival experience. Right after FPSF I headed out on an incredible California and Oregon trip to surprise my sister for her birthday, as well as see…

FPSF 2013 Rundown, Pt. 5: The Suffers + Matt & Kim + Geto Boys + The Bronx + Midnight Norma Lane + Orents Stirner + The Postal Service + More

Alright, folks — this is it, right here. We are nearing Go Time for Free Press Summer Festival 2013, and I’m both excited as hell and more than a little freaked out. I’ve never been a big fan of crowds, honestly…

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