This Sunday: Canned Acoustica Re-Emerges as Unplugged, with Jealous Creatures, Christian Kidd, Pecos Hank, & More

I’m going to hang my head and admit with sadness that no, I never got to check out the old Canned Acoustica series of shows. I know, I know; it came along at a weird time for me, when I was dealing with a toddler (who is now big enough to survive on his own, thankfully) and just didn’t leave the house much, blah, blah, blah…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: The Wild Reeds + Dollie Barnes + Only Beast + MFAH Mixed Media + Bring Me the Horizon + Beartooth + French Cultures Festival + Alicia Keys + More

Alright, y’all. We’re at the start of what promises to be a very busy not just weekend but full week (hell, almost two weeks), and yours truly is going to do his best to keep up with it, beginning with tonight, Friday, March 10th. And away we go…

Weekend Festival Madness (Pt. 1): Untapped Houston Brings Together Good Beer & Good Music

Dammit. This was supposed to get posted last night, but yours truly actually passed out on the couch and blew it — it’s been a long-ass week, I’m afraid. Sorry about that… But hey, you’re not completely out of luck, because Untapped Houston kicks off this afternoon at 4PM (3:30PM for VIP pass holders, I believe)…

Tomorrow: Badass Beer + Badass Music, at Untapped Houston

Okay, here I am typing this, and part of me is snickering and saying, seriously, who am I kidding? If you’re a fan of craft beers and/or music, odds are pretty good you’re already well aware of Untapped Houston, the H-town installment of the now Texas-wide music-and-brews showcase Untapped

Tonight: Houston Musicians Under Cover Help Out Be The Match, at Fitz

There’s a veritable ton of good music going on today/tonight (Saturday, April 11th, that is) — including Earth Day Houston over at Discovery Green, which I completely had no idea was happening ’til just now…argh — and while I can’t get to most of it, there’s one show in particular that I want to point everybody to…

Damn, Y’all: Rain and Flooding Washes Untapped Houston Away

Got some bad, bad news this afternoon from Mark C. Austin, one of the folks behind Untapped Houston, the very, very cool music-and-brews festival that we talked about just the other day, and which was scheduled to happen tomorrow, Saturday, September 20th

Live: Paste Untapped Festival Houston

I should know to always leave a little extra time between getting to a show and actually expecting to get in, but as usual, I was running on time instead of early. That nearly made me late — there was quite a line forming at about 4:30…

[UPDATED!] Giveaway Time: Paste Untapped Houston, This Saturday

Alright, people — there’re some great, great shows happening this weekend, but the one at the top of the list for Saturday, November 16th absolutely has to be the Paste Untapped Houston mini-festival…

Tonight: Young Mammals & The Wheel Workers (New Video!), at Discovery Green, for Free

Hey, y’all — there’s some very, very cool stuff happening tonight (Thursday, October 3rd), and I didn’t want to let it slip through my twitchy little fingers without it getting a mention up here…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Houston Roxx Fest + the last place you look + The Devil Makes Three + El Desmadre + More

Hey, all — moving slow today, after a long, long, looooong day spent solo with our youngest, taking him to see snakes at the Zoo, taking him on the METRORail for the first time, up into downtown, wandering around inside the Exxopolis “luminarium” with him, letting him jump around in the water park at Discovery Green

Tonight: Shadow of the Bat-Man Screening at Discovery Green, with Two Star Symphony

Yeah, there’s a crap-ton of cool stuff happening tonight — and I’ll get to that, don’t worry — but I wanted to call this one out in particular, because it’s extra-special awesome-cool. See, like the title says, this evening (Friday, October 19th) up at Discovery Green

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: !Yes Indeed! Fest + American Sharks + Illegal Wiretaps + Wine Fest + Touche Amore + More

And now, on to today — Saturday, September 29th — and holy crap, there’s a lot going on. Seriously, there’s so much happening this afternoon/evening that I’m pretty sure I’m actually missing a bunch of it. Damn…

Tonight: Hot Water Music + OFF! + Grandfather Child + Folk Family Revival + Coog Radio Anniversary + More

Sorry for the recent quiet, all, but I’ve been out of town for Day Job work, meeting people & hiking around Cambridge, MA. (Which is very, very cool, incidentally, even if it’s more expensive than God to live here.) However, there is literally a heaping pile of awesomeness happening back on the home front…

Yr. Weekend: HPMA Madness! + Peter Wolf Crier + The Lotus Effect + hasHBrown + H.I.S.D. + More

Yep, yep, yep. We’re now onto Sat., November 12th, and obviously, there’s still plenty to do. To be completely honest, though, there’s one thing that pretty well overrides all the rest, at least for me…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Kings of Leon Rescheduled + Finnegan + Skate & Rock + Roky Moon & BOLT! + Omotai + Julydoscope + More

Saturday (July 30th, you calendar-less bastards out there) is upon us, and there’s a ton of stuff going on. Before I go into that, though, a bit of bad news: tonight’s show out at Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion with Kings of Leon

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Kings of Leon + Tax the Wolf + Featherface + Poor Dumb Bastards + Born Liars + Cavernous + More

Saturday, April 2nd, and even though there was plenty of cool stuff going on last night, it kinda feels like the weekend’s just getting started, honestly… Lots and lots going on this evening, y’all. First & possibly foremost to a lot of folks is the continuing Big Dance Concert Series thing…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Something Fierce (Reviewed!) + The Hold Steady + Joe Pug + Del Tha Funky Homosapien + More

Man. It’s looking to be a crazy, crazy weekend, so I didn’t want to miss giving at least a brief rundown of what all’s going on, starting with tonight, Fri., April 1st

NCAA’s Big Dance: The Hold Steady & Kings of Leon (& Others), for Free at Discovery Green

Folks, I’m not a sports fan. Texan though I may be, I can’t muster much more than a shrug when it comes to watching sports. Playing ’em? Hell, yeah, so long as you don’t expect me to be good. But watching ’em, eh…not so much…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Murs + The Octopus Project + Arthur Yoria + Two Star Symphony + More

Hey, all — gotta make it quick, as I’m headed off to some anniversary-celebrating with the wife this evening… Tonight (Friday, March 25th) is one hell of a busy night (er, and day, too), though, so there’s plenty, plenty to check out…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Metal Cage Match (Early Man vs. War Master!) + Sideshow Tramps + Fat Tony + Misc. Art/Film + More

What a freaking week, I swear…I feel like I’ve barely stopped moving the whole damn time. Ready for a bit of a break, so I’m obviously happy to see the weekend come rolling in (as it generally does)… Sadly, it’ll have to be a brief one…

Rallying for a Clean Texas, Today

Hopefully going to do a more “full” rundown of all the musical-type stuff going on today (Sat., July 24th) later on — because there’s quite a bit — but there’s one that’s starting this afternoon at 4PM that I wanted to make sure to mention early…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Athlete + Alex Arizpe Benefit + The Fox Derby + Miss Leslie + Fight With Flash/Little Lo + More

Back again with the rest of the weekend, and yep, there’s still a lot going on; here’s what looks good to me: Athlete/Carney @ Mango’s — I’m always partial to the locals, these days, but in this case I’m just as psyched at the prospect of British pop-rock crew…

Thursday Coolness: Buxton + The Small Sounds at Discovery Green

Feels pretty good to be able to post once again about cool things that’re coming up — apologies, everybody, for the long, long silence while we made the transition… At any rate, this week’s looking good, particularly this Thursday, May 27th, when two of my absolute-favorite bands in town are playing one of my current favorite places in town…

Discovery Green

McKinney & Crawford 1500 McKinney Houston, TX. 77010 (713) 400-7336 Booking: “gary” at “discoverygreen dot com”

Tonight/Tomorrow: Coheed and Cambria + Awesome Color + Megafaun (MP3!) + Earl Gilliam + More

Some cool, good, intriguing, and otherwise neat shows going on over the next couple of days, and I’m determined to not let ’em fall through the cracks (like, um, I normally do with the mid-week shows — sorry, folks…). On top of the things musical mentioned below, I’d also heartily recommend humorist/writer/whatever guy David Sedaris‘s […]

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