Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Two Star Symphony + Co-Pilot + The Small Sounds + Square and Compass + White Linen + More

Holy crap, is there a lot going on tomorrow, Saturday, August 6th; there’s so much good stuff happening that I can’t entirely keep track of it, honestly… I’m gonna have to blaze through it somewhat, but that’s kinda-sorta okay…

Tomorrow: Jacob Calle Wants to See You Go Wild (On TV)

Ah, Jacob Calle — I love the guy, think he’s a lot of fun, but I’m never quite sure what to make of his various projects, and this one’s the latest…

Dance Down the Rain: Surviving Summerfest 2011, Day Two

Damn. First off, yes, I do realize it’s been two freaking weeks since the end of this year’s Free Press Summerfest, and a week-and-a-half since the first installment

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Fired For Walking/Dead Mineral (7″!) + Graffiti Show + Glasnost + The Examples + More

Gah. Way, way, way behind on tonight’s rundown of Cool Things Going On — sorry about that, but Midget #1’s gymnastics “graduation” and then Game Night kinda win out… Anyway, there’s still plenty of good stuff going on this evening/night…

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