Tonight & This Weekend: White Oak Music Hall Opens Its Doors, At Long Last

I’ve gotta be honest: I was skeptical that White Oak Music Hall, the new purpose-built venue for local music-promotion icons Pegstar, was ever going to really materialize. Ever since the new venue was announced a little over a year ago

Born Liars, Show Some Couth

Ah, the Born Liars. No matter what else is going on in life, I can always, always, always count on these four guys to bring the raw, sharp-edged, snarling/spitting garage-rock/punk, and to do it well. And just like always, on Show Some Couth Jimmy Sanchez…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: The Small Sounds + Grady + Record Store Day + Born Liars + Darwin’s Finches + Mix Master Mike + More

Coming up on Saturday, April 16th, and I’m attempting to get at least a little bit of a jump on things, for once. And hell, if anything, there’s more cool stuff going on tomorrow than there was today. At the top of my list is the long-awaited return of {The Small Sounds}

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: KTRU Outdoor Show! + HHOC No More + The Suspects + My Education + Glasnost + More

Saturday, April 9th, and I’m trying to get this little rundown up on the site early, because at least one of the biggest things going on today starts early, as in, um, right about now… First, though, a bit of bad news — I’d thought {Born Liars} were supposed to be headlining a show…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Kings of Leon + Tax the Wolf + Featherface + Poor Dumb Bastards + Born Liars + Cavernous + More

Saturday, April 2nd, and even though there was plenty of cool stuff going on last night, it kinda feels like the weekend’s just getting started, honestly… Lots and lots going on this evening, y’all. First & possibly foremost to a lot of folks is the continuing Big Dance Concert Series thing…

Tonight: Born Liars + DILLAgence + Robert Ellis

I know I’ve already talked up the show I’d most like to see tonight, were I not still broken from the past several days’ traveling…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: The Sword + Omotai + The Adolescents + Born Liars + Townes Wake + Mammoth Grinder + Binarium + More

Argh. It’s late, I know — this is what happens when the midgets don’t want to go to sleep on time… sigh. But even with the lateness, I couldn’t let tonight slip past, right? Still quite a bit going on, both tonight and tomorrow night…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: the last place you look + Temporary Insanity + The Eastern Sea + Caddywhompus (Reviewed!/Free Download!) + Lotus Effect + More

And oh, what a weekend it is, y’all. sigh. I doubt I’m going to be able to make it out for any of this stuff — on baby/toddler duty, sadly — but seriously, there’re some amazing shows going on over the next couple of days…

This Weekend: Temporary Insanity Roars into Houston

Damn, damn, damn — I’d fully meant to post about this before now, but things got away from me, as they tend to do…sorry ’bout that, y’all. At any rate, following in this coming weekend’s “holy shit, how is all of this going on?” theme…

Born Liars, Fast Songs Is All We Know

Just when I think I’ve got the Born Liars all figured out, have ’em pegged down neatly on the Great Big Board of Bands as a no-frills garage-punk band and not much else — and hell, that’s great right there — they go and change on me…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Dawes + Peter Wolf Crier (MP3s) + Romany Rye (MP3) + The Fox Derby (Reviewed!) + Born Liars + More

Yep, another weekend is upon us, and once again yours truly will be (sadly) headed out of town. Argh. It sucks, because there’re quite a few good shows going on this weekend; most are tomorrow night, mind you, but there’s still some good stuff happening tonight, Friday, October 22nd

Ditchwater Records

I’m a big fan of this label, run by local photog/music maven Rosa Guerrero; she & her compatriots (Daniel Shaw & Eric Roy) put out some of the coolest, nicest-looking 7″s released in this town in at least a decade…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Omotai (CD release/kickoff) + The Manichean + Weird Party + Continental Club 10th + Colin Hay + More

Trying to get a little bit of a jump on the rest of this weekend, so here’s what looks/sounds good to me tonight, Saturday, July 10th — and yep, as you can see, there’s even more good shit going on than there was on Friday. Here goes…

The Born Liars

I don’t really know why I waffled on these guys as long as I did — I’d been hearing great, great stuff about the Born Liars for a couple of years, but I’d always kind of shrugged and blew ’em off. I’d liked frontman/guitarist/singer Jimmy Sanchez (who apparently also writes all the songs) in his […]

Update: Wild Moccasins (1/23!) + Born Liars (new LP) + Wilderness + Upcoming Stuff + More

Barely three weeks into 2009, and believe it or not, there’s already a seeming torrent of eagerly-anticipated releases exploding out of H-town. Seriously; there’s now new stuff out by The Wild Moccasins and The Born Liars, with stuff right around the corner from Young Mammals, The Tontons, Teenage Kicks, and listenlisten. Oh, and then there’s […]

The Born Liars, Ragged Island

After a lot of thought, I’ve realized that the thing I like the most about the Born Liars, what makes ’em stand out from the crowd of loud, punkish, garage-y rockers, is, well, that they’ve got heart. It sounds sappy, I know, but it’s the truth…

The Born Liars, “Don’t Tell Me, I Know”/”I Don’t Know Why”

Loud. No, really — loud. I’m discovering that if you don’t listen to the Born Liars’ latest 7″ with the volume cranked to levels likely to piss off the people around you, well, you’re honestly missing out. You’re missing the scraping, raw, garage-rawk fury…

Upcoming Shows

H-Town Mixtape

  • 1. After the Storm - The Suffers
  • 2. Human Size - Hearts of Animals
  • 3. A Cruel Weight, Thy Wound - Omotai
  • 4. No Color, No Light - Oceans of Slumber
  • 5. Into The Clearing - EL LAGO
  • 6. Again - Only Beast
  • 7. White Lies - The Wheel Workers
  • 8. Let Her Go - Keeton Coffman
  • 9. Accidents - Jerk
  • 10. I Already Knew - Lisa's Sons



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