Tonight: Two From Back in the Day, with Blueprint & The Tie That Binds (Plus The Inverters & Narrow Head, Too!)

Holy shit, people. Yeah, yeah — I’m well aware that Morrissey is playing tonight, Friday, April 14th (Or is he? Who can say, really, especially after canceling Wednesday’s San Antonio gig?), this time down in Sugar Land…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: When We Ruled H-Town + OFF! + Giant Battle Monster + Alex Dezen + More

It feels a little weird, honestly, but tonight (i.e., Friday, October 14th) is a little light, shows-wise, at least relatively speaking. Fridays lately seem to’ve been overflowing…

When We Ruled H-Town Showcase #2, Tomorrow

You might remember back in the spring, when word popped up about an in-the-works documentary on the scene here in Houston back in the early ’90s…

Tonight: Atmosphere + Jacuzzi Boys (Rev’d!) + Blueprint + The Handsomes + More

Hey, all — been offline most of this week, sadly, trying to get many, many things handled on various fronts, but I didn’t want to let tonight (Thurs., September 22nd) totally slip through the cracks, because there’re some very cool shows going on…

Two Good-News (Temporary) Reunions: Weird Party + Blueprint

A couple of bits of good news to share, in case you haven’t already heard, primarily from the One-More-For-The-Kids-Yo department…

First off, readers of this here blog may recall a depressing announcement from a while back about spastic, fiery garage-punks {Weird Party} imploding in a burst of greasy black smoke…

Holy Freaking Awesome: Blueprint Reunites (Temporarily), Plays this Weekend

Wow. There aren’t all that many shows that honestly make my jaw drop (old and jaded; what can I say?), especially reunion shows, but this one hit me like a brick to the face. Er, assuming that brick were actually made of chocolate and I was then allowed to eat it and scream and run around like a crazy person…

Spain Colored Orange

Well, I’m not sure if this is really a “band,” per se, or more of a “side project”-type thing for the folks involved, but whichever, it’s damn cool. This is basically Gilbert from Blueprint/In Echos (see above), along with some fairly-new bandmates who I don’t know at all, doing a cool little 4-track pop thing…

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