
    360 Recording Studio

    11430 Bissonnet Houston, TX. 77099 832-598-7348 “wickedwaysrecording” at “gmail dot com”

    Advanced Audio Solutions

    I don’t really know what this place is like, but it sounds pretty decent… Gerry, the studio’s owner, says he does projects “as a whole” and prices them accordingly; he’s got a 24-track analog with dolbyS and 24 digital (DA88), Pro Tools…

    Alien Beans Studio

    P.O. Box 968 Katy, TX. 77492 “alienbeans” at “gmail dot com” Contact: Ty Tabor

    Ambient Digital Mastering

    1.888.808.DISC “mastering” at “ambientdigital” dot “com” Contact: Bob Boyd (Owner/Engineer)

    Barron Recording Studios

    From GM Todd: “Our approach is pretty simple: always maintain an artist friendly, service oriented studio. We use the best gear available, but never let the gear get in the way of the performance. We have worked with various local bands…”

    Big Door Studios

    Webster, TX. (281) 816-6917 “BDS” at “BIGDOORSTUDIOS dot COM”

    Bob Green Productions

    5034 Tangle Lane Houston, Texas 77056 (713) 355-1334 Fax: (713) 355-1305 “heard” at “bobgreenproductions dot com”

    Buzz Smith Music

    (281) 879-4484 “askbuzz” at “buzzsmithmusic dot com”

    Cash Studios

    (281) 685-9823 (Blake) (713) 385-9466 (Michael) “cashstudios” at “yahoo dot com” Contact: Michael Cash (Owner/Lead Engineer), Blake Quimby (Studio Assistant)

    Dead City Sound

    Dead City Sound is the studio run by ex-Johnny Killed Rock n Roll co-owner Chris Ryan, who started the place up when partner Eric left for cooler/wetter climes in the Pacific NW (and who I think also rocks/rocked the house himself as part of God’s Temple of Family Deliverance)…

    Diamond Gem Studio

    Dunno much about this place, except that they’re pretty small, supposedly cool, and have some good equipment…

    Digital Services

    Haven’t ever been to this place, but I talked a bit with the owner a looong while back, and he seemed to know his stuff pretty damn well. They’re a 48-track studio, and while not cheap, they’ve got some pretty heavy credits under their belt…

    Digital Warehaus Productions

    Don’t know much about Digital Warehaus, but Stephen Finley, the guy who runs the place, e-mailed me and gave some info — apparently he’s worked with a lot of folks here in town, from the Linus Pauling Quartet (of which he’s a member, btw) to Incisor

    Dugong Recording

    (281) 782-6236 “booking” at “dugongrecording dot com” Contact: Brandon Bowers (Engineer)

    Essential Sound Mastering

    5626 Brock St. Suite 200 Houston, TX. 77023 713-785-6479 Fax: 713-926-1197 “info” at “esmastering dot com”

    Fallen-Records Studios

    2950 Shaver c-17 Pasadena, TX. 77502 281-381-8452 “malekoman999” at “yahoo dot com” Contact: Malek Nouiery (Owner/Manager/Booking)


    806 Richmond Ave. Houston, TX. “ajr3” at “swbell dot net” Contact: Al Rutter

    Hifi Mastering Online

    11018 Cedarhurst Dr. Houston, TX. 77096 1-866-927-8136 (toll free) “info” at “hifimasteringonline dot com”

    Hound Dawg Studio

    Katy, TX. 832-202-7137 “Dan” at “hounddawgstudio dot com”

    Hyde Park Studios

    2115 Taft Street Houston, TX. 77006 (713) 490-8325 “hydeparkstudio” at “yahoo dot com”

    In the Jar Studios

    1510 Quitman Houston, TX. 77009 “srt_mail” at “earthlink dot net”

    Joe Danger Records

    Well, I got some more info on this place from the owner himself (Joe, that is), so I figured I’d summarize it up here. The studio’s a small place out near Hobby, and they do most of their recording on analog formats (1 and 2 inch tape)…

    Magellan Sound Studio

    Sugar Land, TX. (281) 948-2392 (713) 385-9466 “info” at “magellansoundstudio dot com” Contact: W.C. Hamberg

    Music World Studios

    2202 Crawford St. Houston TX. 77002 713-772-5175 “studio” at “musicworldent dot com”

    Origin Sound Productions

    (281) 467-4594 “Info” at “Originsound dot com” Contact: Craig Douglas (Owner/Engineer)

    Pigeon Eater Studios

    Heard from one of the two owners of the place, Jeoaf Johnson, so I figured I’d put a little note up here about ’em. Johnson co-owns/runs Pigeon Eater with Terry Nunn, who also did the sound over at Walter’s on Washington

    RBI Recording

    Yep, this is the recording studio run by longtime Rudyard’s soundman Joe Omelchuck. I never had the chance to record there myself, but I’ve heard very good things about it, and if Joe’s as good at (and meticulous about) recording bands…

    Sound Arts Recording Studio

    8377 Westview Drive Houston, TX. 77055 (713) 464-4653 Fax: (713) 464-2622 “brianbaker” at “soundartsrecording dot com” Contact: Brian Baker


    7110 Gary Houston, TX. 77055 713-960-8222 x1 “sworks” at “soundworks dot com”

    Stone Logic Productions

    P.O. Box 6865 Kingwood, TX. 77325 281-382-5273 “mweaver” at “stonelogicstudios dot com” Contact: Matt Weaver

    SugarHill Studios

    Well, I’ve never used these guys myself, but they’re the big studio in town for local bands (and plenty of others). I’m told they do have a tremendous amount of cool gear, both new & vintage, so that’s a definite plus. Again, I can’t say really what the place is like…

    Sunrise Sound Studios

    3330 Walnut Bend Lane Houston, TX. 77042 (713) 977-9165 Fax: (713) 977-4242 “sunrisemanager” at “sunrisesound dot com”

    The Music Room Recording Studio

    713-956-4134 “rick” at “musicroomrecording dot com” “chris” at “musicroomrecording dot com” Contact: Rick Paulson (Owner/Engineer) Contact: Chris Folmer (Engineer/Producer; 281-935-5173)

    Wire Road Studios

    713-636-9772 “inquiries” at “wireroadstudios dot com” “scheduling” at “wireroadstudios dot com”

Page by . Page updated Tuesday, January 24th, 2012.

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One Response to “Wolf & Tiger Studios”

  1. Afterthoughts Music Studio on October 10th, 2013 at 10:26 am

    Highlands Tx (832)-414-0887 afterthoughtsmusicstudio dot com

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