Yep, it's the new issue of SCR, out just in time for all of us to sober up from the holiday festivities (of whatever variety you subscribe to) and mourn the loss of eggnog for yet another ten months out of the year, and it's time for some introductory blather. We've been working hard on Issue #8 and we're darn pleased with it.
This time around, we SCR folks have somewhat turned our standard formula on his head, in that fully half of the interviews are with local folks (namely, Blue October, Clouseaux, and Hollister Fracus). Part of the point of this e-zine has always been to try to bring the world of Houston music into the greater world of music in general and vice versa, and we've been unfortunately a little light on the local stuff in recent issues -- we've been moving away somewhat from our original local focus, and frankly, we miss it. We do love cool folks like VHS or Beta, Mouse on Mars, or Denali, yes, but we also love our hometown heroes like Clouseaux, Blue October, and Hollister Fracus. Hopefully this issue will mark the point where we begin to bring a bit more of H-town back into the mix. That's how this whole thing got started, after all.
At any rate, enjoy the cool weather while it lasts (We had snow! Snow, in Houston! Holy freakin' crap!), brace yourself for summer, and please, whatever you do, don't let your friends get drunk and buy any half-off holiday albums by Jessica Simpson. Okay?
Take care,
Jeremy H.
Houston, TX