Yes, friends, here we are yet again. No, the e-zine's not dead, nor have I moved to Latvia with the stacks and stacks of CDs people faithfully send us every month. We're still here, although we're definitely slow-moving (damn, has it been just about a year already?). We've finally broken the five-issue mark (in an, uh, inordinately long period of time, releasing just about an issue a year) and are working to streamline/professionalize things somewhat. We're also currently working to update a lot of our Houston-related stuff, which is a pretty monumental task since it seems like half our "Favorite Bands" have broken up since the last issue alone. It'll get there, I promise.
At any rate, I'd like to thank all the folks who've stuck it out thus far on this thing -- six years is a long time, and a lot of people have moved on to bigger and/or better things. To the ones who haven't, both contributors and readers, well, thanks. It means a lot, especially considering that I started this little site just as a personal list of links to local Houston bands.
Not a whole lot else this time around, but I should say that I'm pretty proud of our latest issue. There's some good stuff here, and there's lots more to come, hopefully in a much less belated fashion. Thanks for sticking with us.
Jeremy Hart
Sitting bleary-eyed in front of the laptop at midnight, Houston, TX