Big, Bad News: Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo Canceled, As of Today

Well, wow. I’ve got to admit that I didn’t see that coming… The City of Houston held a press conference this afternoon to announce that this year’s Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo has been canceled, for the first time since 1937.

Yr Friday Night: PUP + Miears + Ancient Cat Society + Tee Vee + The Tontons + Flower Graves + Bottom of the Food Chain + More

Holy shit, y’all. Yeah, it’s been a while — back in the fall, I had every intention of getting this ship righted and sailing again, but as always happens, life intervened. So I’ve spent the last few months dealing instead with madness at the Day Job and losing family members and pets at home, all […]

Tonight: Go See Matthew Sweet at The Heights Theater

Okay, y’all. I know that there is a lot of stuff going on tonight (Friday, September 13th) — and I mean, a lot, like, seriously, just freaking look at the list

Check Out Zine Fest Houston, Tomorrow at Lawndale

Hey, folks — it’s been very quiet around here, I know, and I’m really sorry for that. There are multiple reasons, some of them personal and some of them having to do with current Web technology rapidly outpacing this little Website; I’m working on both sides of that, and I’ll hopefully post something more about […]

SXSW Overflow Fest Kicks Off Tonight, With The Escatones, Darwin’s Finches, & Free Pretzels

Hey, all — apologies for the quiet these past couple of months; yours truly got swallowed up by work and home stuff and had to set SCR to the side somewhat, unfortunately. Sometimes that’s just how it goes, y’know? I’m going to try to post more frequently in the coming days, however (although they might […]

Tonight: The Western Civilization + REZZ + Satanic Overlords of Rock n Roll + Blackgrass Gospel + More

Yes, friends, is Thanksgiving Eve — or so I’m told; I’d never actually heard that term ’til this month — Wednesday, November 21st, and while it’s not as crazy as the weekends have been recently, there’s still a decent-sized pile of cool shows happening tonight…

Good Thing to Do Time: Help Punk Rock Stacy

This is heartbreaking… I can’t claim to know Punk Rock Stacy (aka Stacy Hartoon) personally, but I’ve long been a fan. She’s been a rock in Houston’s punk scene for years now and is a beloved fixture at Rudyard’s

Texas Piano Man Robert Ellis Is Fucking Crazy with His New Video

Oh, wow. I know he doesn’t live here anymore, but like a handful of other luminaries (Jana Hunter and Carolyn Wonderland, for two), I will always, always consider Robert Ellis a Houstonian, for ever and ever, no matter where the hell he happens to lay his hat…

Mid-Week Awesomeness: Drivin’ N Cryin’ (x2!), MAE, & Ian Sweet, All Playing Tonight

So, it’s a WednesdayNovember 14th, to be precise — and that’s not normally a big day/night for shows, at least not around here. Mid-week tends to be slow a lot of the time, y’know? Today, though, things are a little different…

This Weekend: Wide-Eye Music Marathon Hits East Downtown, and It’s Gonna Be Beautiful

Hey, y’all — been quiet lately, I know, and I’m sorry about that. I’ve been somewhat preoccupied with, um, other things lately…[mumble]thefateofthecountryandtexasturningblueandbetoandlizzieandstufflikethat[mumble]… So I’ve kinda fallen behind yet again; profuse apologies, and I swear, I am trying to get better. Unfortunately, I’ll be offline this weekend…

Tonight: DUCKWRTH Blasts Back Into White Oak Music Hall with a New Video (& Deem Spencer, Too)

A few months back, the kid and I were able to catch one of her favorite DJs, What So Not, up at White Oak Music Hall. It was a damn good show, not just because of the headliner — who was very, very good, I have to say — but because of stellar opener DUCKWRTH

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: The Suspects 25 Anniversary + The Ex-Optimists + The Cryptographers + A Sundae Drive + Wild Moccasins + VODI + John Allen Stephens + More

Sigh. So, I’d hoped I would be out and about this evening — Saturday, October 6th — but it’s looking less like that and more like I’m going to be on Little Guy Duty tonight. Which I love, don’t get me wrong, because he’s the best Little Guy ever, but there’s a ton of cool stuff happening this evening…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Hobo Johnson + Rose Ette + EL LAGO + Astragal + Good Old War + The Bright Light Social Hour + DAZE + More

I dunno what it is lately, but there’ve been a ton of excellent, excellent shows happening in our hot-fog-enduring city, more than I’d generally expect for this time of year; it feels like Summertime Part 2 around here, both music- and weather-wise… So let’s take a quick look at what’s going on tonight, Friday, October 5th, alright?…

Get On Down to the River: River Revival Music Fest, Starting Today

I’ve been sadly remiss in posting about it before now, which sucks, but I wanted to at least give a big-ass thumbs-up to the excellent-sounding River Revival Music Festival, which starts today, Thursday, September 27th, and runs through this Sunday, September 30th

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: The Western Civilization + Cool Moon + texture: Yellow + Young Mammals + Velveteen Echo + Löwin + Sevendust + More

This weekend, y’all…damn. There is a veritable shit-ton of awesome shows happening, starting with tonight, Friday, September 21st, so I feel compelled to try to blather about some of it, at the very least; apologies if I leave anybody out. Away we go…

Tonight, In Videos: Jade Bird + Frankie Cosmos + TOKiMONSTA + The Phantom Royals

Hey there, People My General Age, we need to talk. See, I’ve been talking to The Kid, just asking her curiously how she listens to music these days; she doesn’t have a CD player anymore, she’s never owned a radio, Spotify’s not working for her at the moment (and Napster costs money, so that’s out), and her non-iPhone/iPad headphones are busted…

Tonight: First Aid Kit & Julia Jacklin at WOMH

We’re headed face-first a hell of a busy week, music-wise, and I’m honestly feeling kinda frantic, not wanting to let any of it slip by (even though, yes, I almost certainly will…). One of the coolest shows is happening tonight, though, Monday, September 17th, up at White Oak Music Hall

This Sunday: Canned Acoustica Re-Emerges as Unplugged, with Jealous Creatures, Christian Kidd, Pecos Hank, & More

I’m going to hang my head and admit with sadness that no, I never got to check out the old Canned Acoustica series of shows. I know, I know; it came along at a weird time for me, when I was dealing with a toddler (who is now big enough to survive on his own, thankfully) and just didn’t leave the house much, blah, blah, blah…

Rudz Turns 40, This Weekend: VODI, The Wheel Workers, Jealous Creatures, The Hates, Poor Dumb Bastards, & More

Being a music fan in this city is a hard, heartbreaking thing. As good as things are now when it comes to the people making music in and around Houston and the breadth of venues those people can play, I can’t help but feel a little weepy when I think back across the past couple of decades…

Tonight: Jonah Matranga + Friends Play Far’s Water & Solutions at The Continental Club

I know that for a long (long) while there, I kinda cringed every time somebody brought up the whole “nu-metal” wave of the late ’90s; I couldn’t help it, y’know? With Fred Durst’s face everywhere and each new godawful mashup of metal and hardcore and hip-hop getting worse and worse, it felt like a dark time for music…

A Few Words on Everything Currently Going On

If you happen to live under an actual rock, you might not have been aware that Houston’s music (and journalism) world is currently on fire, largely because a major player in that scene, Omar Afra, the Free Press Houston CEO, head honcho of famed music/art festival Day for Night, and co-founder of the sadly-departed Free Press Summer Festival, has been accused of sexual assault by at least two women…

Sporadic Videoage: Buxton + Only Beast + The Tie That Binds

Well, wow. There’s been an honest-to-God flood of music videos coming out of our city lately, so many that I’ve barely had time to even notice ’em before they fly on by. I feel like I’m constantly playing catch-up with this stuff, seriously, and figured I’d better take a minute to point to a handful…

Three Bands, Three Releases, All Tonight: John Allen Stephens + Tee Vee + Rome Hero Foxes (+ A Bunch More, Besides)

Damn, it’s been a while — apologies for that, but first summer vacating took precedence (BTW, if you’re looking for a Caribbean getaway that’s gorgeous and laidback but actually real and not hyper-touristified & fake, Curacao is that place; our stay there was amazing), and then we had family visiting from the UK…

Madness on Main 2018 Rundown, Pt. 3: Giant Kitty + Get A Life + Har Mar Superstar + Vonne + Londale + Belvoir

And here we are, y’all — back again for the third (and final) round of randomly-ordered previews/rundowns for Madness on Main Festival 2018, coming this Saturday, June 9th, over at White Oak Music Hall and The Raven Tower

Madness on Main 2018 Rundown, Pt. 2: Warlung + Frog Hair + Bernie Pink + Mannequin Mishap + Eroda One + Kyle Hubbard + Second Lovers + Motion Hotel

So, here we find ourselves again, for the second round of our annual rundowns of as many randomly-selected musicians & bands playing at Madness on Main as we can jam into our earholes before the big day (i.e., this Saturday, June 9th) up at White Oak Music Hall and The Raven Tower

Madness on Main 2018, Coming Up Next Weekend (Rundown, Pt. 1): Cheers to Good Problems + Rocky Banks + Metanoia + Veso Vega + War Twins + Killem Collective + Third Root + UCHé

Ahhh, yeah. These days it seems like music festivals spring up in this city like mushrooms after a few days’ rain — that is, all over my lawn, goddammit, and never when/where I want them. Um, sort of; sorry, that particular metaphor got away from a me a bit… But the reality is that there seems to be an ever-increasing number of festivals/mini-festivals/etc. going on here throughout the year. And in general, I’m good with that, even if I can’t make it to every…

The LP4 Is No More…But The Cryptographers Arise from the Ashes, Tonight (Along with ST 37 & Morning Scales The Mountain)

The Linus Pauling Quartet is dead; sad, I know, but it’s the truth, and I’ve been meaning to post about it for a long while now, since I got the bad news in July of last year. It’s definitely signified the end of an era in terms of the H-town music scene, at least for me — the LP4 had been fixtures here since 1993, practically the entire time I’ve even been aware of Houston music…

Tonight: Okkervil River at The Heights Theater (Plus Matt The Electrician & Benjamin Lazar Davis)

Interviewing people is hard. Well, maybe not for everybody, but it definitely is for me; I’m just not very good at chatting people up, even when they’re people I like or who make music I love, y’know? It’s just not something that comes easily to me. So, here’s a little story: once upon a time, more than a goddamn decade ago, I got the chance to interview Will Sheff, frontman, guitarist, singer, and songwriter for Austin-dwelling band Okkervil River

Coming Soon: Lou Barlow Plays a Random H-Town Backyard, for You and 99 of Your Closest(-Ish) Friends

Got word of this a few days ago and have been meaning to post about it ever since… Lou Barlow, frontman of ’90s quasi-unwilling indie-rock icons Sebadoh, member of fellow iconic indie-rock band Dinosaur Jr.

Things To Watch: The Suffers Sing About Your Mom + Giant Kitty Sings About Domestic Violence

First off, I feel like I can’t even begin to post anything without first addressing the awful tragedy that unfolded today down in Santa Fe (which, for those who don’t live around here, or who maybe live out in Katy and don’t know anything east of the Beltway, is a small town about two-thirds of the way between Houston proper and Galveston, between Alvin & Hitchcock)…

This Weekend’s (Not-So) Outdoor Festivals: Great Texas BBQ Postponed + KTRU Indoor Show + Willow Waterhole Music Fest

A bit late, I know, but there’re a bunch of outdoor festival-type things that were supposed to be happening this weekend, Sat. & Sun., April 21st & 22nd, that haven’t quite worked out like the organizers had originally planned. First off — and by far the largest of these — is the Great Texas BBQ Festival, a two-day festival that was meant to take place at Sam Houston Park this weekend…

In Bloom Fest 2018 Rundown, Pt. 4: Birthday Club + Moon Taxi + Broods + Jax Jones

Well, here we are, friends. The inaugural In Bloom Music Festival unfurls tomorrow, Saturday, March 24th, at the ever-picturesque Eleanor Tinsley Park. Do me a favor, by the way, y’all: don’t just chuck your garbage anywhere, okay? Every festival I’ve been to over there has had plenty of trash bins spread throughout the grounds, and sometimes separate bins for recycling…

In Bloom Fest 2018 Rundown, Pt. 3: Young Bombs + London On Da Track + Craig Finn & The Uptown Controllers + LOUDPVCK + Dhani Harrison + Neil Frances + Highly Suspect + Mija

Argh. Sorry for the delay, folks — yesterday my computer decided this was a good time to implode, and I’ve been scrambling to get it back up and running since. We’re finally once again functional, so now we can get going on Part 3 of Space City Rock‘s randomly-selected rundowns…

In Bloom Fest 2018 Rundown, Pt. 2: Son Little + Ganja White Night + Grizzly Bear + Velveteen Echo + Wolf Alice + T-Pain + Lil Uzi Vert + Explosions in the Sky + Jerk

And here we are, back again, with Round Two of our inaugural bunch of previews/rundowns/whatevers for the musicians & bands playing at In Bloom Fest this coming weekend (Sat., March 24th, & Sun., March 25th). Before we get into it, though, I wanted to point to one thing that I saw…

In Bloom Fest 2018 Rundown, Pt. 1: 21 Savage + DRAM + Slander + Cigarettes After Sex + EL LAGO + Twin Shadow + Get A Life + H.E.R. + Beck

Hey, all — heading full-speed towards the first-ever In Bloom Music Fest, this coming Saturday & Sunday, March 24th & 25th over at Eleanor Tinsley Park, which also happens to be one of my absolute favorite places in this whole damn city…

Lip-Sync Your Way Onstage at In Bloom & Get the Official In Bloom App, Too

I know this is a bit on the late-notice side, but…well, what the hell. If you think your lip-sync game is strong (and I’m thinking here of Paul Rapp on The Jimmy Fallon Show), and you want the chance to jump up on stage and perform at the fast-approaching In Bloom Music Festival, hey, you’re in luck…

Yr. (Remaining) Weekend: Canned Acoustica + The Western Civilization + Common Deer + Shopping + Living Hour + Look Vibrant + More

Hey, y’all — been dealing with a puking kid and house/floor renovations all weekend, so I’m way, way behind on what all’s been going on, sadly. There’re still a bunch of awesome things happening tonight, however, Sunday, March 11th, and I didn’t want to let ’em all slip away. Here goes…

Cool Thing Tonight: Cameron Dezen Hammon Releases a New Album Over at St. Mark’s

Tonight — Wednesday, February 28th — is a bit of a quiet night, music-wise, around here, but there is a show this evening that sounds very, very cool, at least to me. You might recall a while back when local singer/songwriter Cameron Dezen Hammon put out an album of covers…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Waxahatchee + Shovels & Rope + The COPS + Eric Johnson + More

Hey, people — I’m psyched as hell about some recent show announcements over the next few months (Superchunk, Okkervil River, & Mastodon, for three; check the shows list for the dates), but right here and right now, it’s shaping up to be a damn good weekend…

Tonight: Celebrate Steamboat Amps’ Ninth Birthday & New Partnership (and Help Out, Too!)

I’ve played guitar (badly) for most of my life at this point, at least sporadically, but I’ve never, ever been a gearhead. In my younger days, I was more of a whatever-I-can-get-my-hands-on-head, because I couldn’t afford actual decent equipment; when I finally got an okay-paying job, literally the first two things I ran out and bought were a new guitar and (more crucially) a new amp…

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