
Hot damn, these guys (and girls, too) are good. I never thought I’d say it, but one of my favorite CDs of the past year or so, it turns out, is a blend of cosmopolitan lounge-pop and surfy-sounding “exotica” that sounds like the soundtrack to a freaky B-movie where people shipwrecked on a desert isle…


These guys get better every time I see ’em (which is definitely something to hope for, obviously). I saw Pale a good while back up at Emo’s and wasn’t real impressed, and then got to see them a bunch last year (after a couple of severe band changeups), and damn, I was impressed that time…

Spain Colored Orange

Well, I’m not sure if this is really a “band,” per se, or more of a “side project”-type thing for the folks involved, but whichever, it’s damn cool. This is basically Gilbert from Blueprint/In Echos (see above), along with some fairly-new bandmates who I don’t know at all, doing a cool little 4-track pop thing…


Punkpunkpunkpunk. These guys are reportedly pretty cool (only seen them live once, myself), and they’ve got a brand-new CD out, Ever Revolving Never Evolving, on Nitro Records, alongside their 2 “classic” previous full-lengths, Acme — 143 and Divided We Stand…

The Flamin’ Hellcats

Well, I thought these guys were pretty much toast, and had put ’em in the Band Graveyard, but it turns out that not only are they still together, but they released a new CD, Goin’ to Your House, with all new stuff on it, and they even had a song on the soundtrack to that “Dawson’s Creek” guy’s movie…


Damn, but these guys are neato. They used to be a sloppy garage-punk band called Pull My Finger, and they even put out a CD under that name, but decided somewhere along the way that they were tired of doing the punk thing, and manage to transform, instead, into a pretty fucking cool indie-rock band…

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