Justin Crane may have been born during the turbulent years following the fall of the Basque monarchy of Navarre, but the exact details of his birth have been concealed from scrutiny by an order of secretive Capucin monks. His voice can be heard in the high-bandwidth electromagnetic fields hovering over the vicinity of Rice University (usually on Tuesdays) ا one of his many strange and mysterious talents. He sometimes likes to rock out, and he probably doesn't like you.
- "Flight of the Conchords, The Distant Future EP" [Nov2007]
- "Oakley Hall, I'll Follow You" [Sept2007]
- "Pit er Pat, Pyramids" [May2007]
- "The Shins, Wincing the Night Away" [Feb2007]
- "Ladyhawk, Ladyhawk" [Oct2006]
- "CSS, Cansei de Ser Sexy" [Jul2006]
- "Crystal Skulls, Outgoing Behavior" [May2006]
- "Infernal Bridegroom Productions, In the Under Thunderloo: Original Score" [F2005]
- "The Seximals, Always Pithy After Repose" [F2005]
- "Sondre Lerche, Two Way Monologue" [Sp2005]
- "Richard Hell, Time" [F2003]
- "Secret Primper, Alliteration and You" [F2003]
- "Various Artists, Turbo's Tunes" [F2003]
- "Fluid Ounces, In the New Old Fashioned Way" [Sp2001]
- "Reviewer Cage Match: Old 97s" [F1999]