
This section of the site is where we here at SCR get to talk about Houston folks we like. But be warned: we're pretty picky (and these days, we don't get out real often). This is all this our opinion, period, (at ) to ask that your band get put on here (ignore 'em, and we're likely to ignore you). Want us to possibly say something nice? Email us as "gaijin" at "spacecityrock dot com", then send a CD/tape/whatever to Space City Rock, P.O. Box 541010, Houston, TX. 77254 (please don't e-mail us MP3s). Or, alternatively, invite us to your next show -- no guarantees that we'll be able to make it, but hey...


    Punkpunkpunkpunk. These guys are reportedly pretty cool (only seen them live once, myself), and they’ve got a brand-new CD out, Ever Revolving Never Evolving, on Nitro Records, alongside their 2 “classic” previous full-lengths, Acme — 143 and Divided We Stand…

    American Fangs

    Oh, yes. American Fangs are really-truly one of the best damn things going in this city right now — they’re a rock band, to be sure, equal parts punk, alt-rock, and metal, with an added streetwise edge that makes them pretty freaking unique…

    Arthur Yoria

    Okay, so this is embarrassing. Not only is H-town rocker/all-around nice guy Arthur Yoria undoubtedly one of the best singer/songwriters in the city, but we’ve even done an interview with him…and yet I’ve somehow neglected to put him up here…

    B L A C K I E

    Hip-hop as full-on, break-your-skull assault; that’s what B L A C K I E (all caps, w/spaces) is all about, at least sonically speaking. The one-man show behind the hoodie, Michael Lacour, spits rhymes over beats he’s cobbled together from Cat Stevens and Abba samples…


    Okay, so I’ve needed to add Balaclavas to this here list for a long time now. Beyond the perennial culprits that are my general laziness and slowness, there’re a couple of outside factors to blame…

    Blackmarket Syndicate

    These guys have relatively quickly managed to become one of my favorite cruising-in-the-car bands, based pretty much solely on the strength of their debut full-length, Why Do We Even Try?. Which doesn’t happen all that often, I have to say…

    Bright Men of Learning

    Okay, so here’s the (basic) scoop: Bright Men of Learning frontguy Marshall Preddy used to front a band called the Wholesome Rollers back in the day. They fell apart, so he formed another band, called telluride. They got sued by two country bands from the ’70s, so they became Chasmatic, figuring (rightly?) that the safest […]


    Straight out of LaPorte, out in the Houston ‘burbs, comes some of the coolest mostly-acoustic music you’re likely to hear this side of Austin. Buxton are one of a small handful of indie-folk bands in town who’ve taken the current folk idiom and pulled it backwards to an earlier time…

    By the End of Tonight

    Against all odds, yes, this quartet from the rural down-home-iness of Alvin (just south of H-town) has turned into one of the city’s few true indie success stories. They sent off their self-reeased A Letter to the Sandbox EP off to hipster-cred haven Temporary Residence Limited…

    Cameron Dezen

    First off, I should say that I’m not generally a fan of female singer/songwriters. I don’t know why, really; maybe it’s because the majority that I’ve heard seem to be either too saccharine-sweet or overly arty, one or the other…


    Hot damn, these guys (and girls, too) are good. I never thought I’d say it, but one of my favorite CDs of the past year or so, it turns out, is a blend of cosmopolitan lounge-pop and surfy-sounding “exotica” that sounds like the soundtrack to a freaky B-movie where people shipwrecked on a desert isle…


    I’ve been very remiss in putting these guys up here, especially since I’ve had a handful of their songs on my iPod for, what?, a year now? (Guys, are you ever going to put up any new tracks on the MySpace page? Please? I know they were promised at the end of Feb., but I sure haven’t seen anything new)…

    Devin The Dude

    Who would’ve guessed you could build a whole damn career rapping about weed? I’ve got to give it to H-town MC Devin “The Dude” Copeland, though — he’s definitely got his subject matter down. Of all the tracks I’ve heard, only a handful have anything to do with something other than herb…

    georgia’s Horse.

    I’m breathing a sigh of relief on this one; when I finally downloaded a track or two from the band’s MySpace site, I was utterly bowled over…only to discover that they’d broken up not long before. Ah, crap… Luckily for me, they appear to once again be back together…

    Hearts of Animals

    With Hearts of Animals, singer/songwriter Mlee Marie Suprean has managed to create something very cool and unique, at least within our insular little Houston scene. I mean, we’ve got a metric ton of folkies with guitars, enough to re-populate Lilith Fair several times over, but Suprean’s thrown the whole idea on its head…


    Yeah, yeah, I should’ve put these guys up here long ago…oh, well — they’re up here now, alright? Anyway, the mysterious duo/trio known as I-45 (Tripp Von Slipp, Tech Ron B., aka Techronious, and either DJ Rudy Martinez 2000 in the early days or DJ Destro more recently) happen to be one of the few…

    Indian Jewelry

    I’ll be as up-front as I can as to the reason why I’ve neglected to put Indian Jewelry, or Swarm of Angels, or NTX + Electric, or NTX + Erika Thrasher, or Nikki Texas up here: I have no freakin’ idea how to describe ’em. All these bands (they’ve also gone by the names Corpses of Waco, Turquoise Diamonds…

    Jana Hunter

    Yes, Matty & Mossy is unfortunately dead and gone, its members scattered to the four winds, but thankfully, vocalist/guitarist Jana Hunter is still making music, now out on her lonesome. These days it’s just her, a guitar, and a Mini-Disc full of backing tracks…

    Latch Key Kids

    Hot damn, they’re back together… Nearly a decade after they split up, the Latch Key Kids are back together — older, wiser, and hopefully just as good as they were back in the day. I can’t say what they sound like this time ’round, but the old stuff cool California-style hardcore punk…

    Lisa’s Sons

    I’ll admit that I wasn’t real sure about these guys the first time I caught ’em. The two “Sons,” Stefan Mach and Jordan Brady, climbed onstage to stand in front of a modest bank of keyboards and samplers, then dove headlong into a primary-colored, synth-heavy, freakishly earnest, sugary-sweet pop explosion…


    I know, I know — I’m slow on this one. Did an actual interview with these guys, and yet it takes me this long to actually get ’em up here? Sad, sad, sad…. Especially so because listenlisten (or LISTEN!LISTEN!, apparently) is one of the absolute leading lights of Houston’s undersung…

    Miss Leslie and Her Juke-Jointers

    As I’ve mentioned elsewhere here, I can’t stand most country. Despite (or maybe because of, in fact) spending my life from middle school onwards in Texas, I’ve managed to always save a special sort of loathing for the “country,” at least, that I grew up with…

    Muhammad Ali

    One of the best rock bands in town right now, Muhammad Ali (also spelled variously “MUHAMMADALi” or “Muhammadali”) are at first glance just this raw, noisy, messy force of nature, howling and hammering away at their instruments to create a furious squall…


    These guys get better every time I see ’em (which is definitely something to hope for, obviously). I saw Pale a good while back up at Emo’s and wasn’t real impressed, and then got to see them a bunch last year (after a couple of severe band changeups), and damn, I was impressed that time…

    Piano Vines

    Yeah, I’ve been fully intending on putting these folks on here for a while, but I held off in the foolish hope that I’d either eventually A) get to see ’em live or B) manage to glom onto an actual CD. Neither of which, unfortunately, have happened. That’s partly my own damn fault, obviously…

    Ryan Scroggins and the Trenchtown Texans

    I was depressed as hell to hear that the seemingly indestructible Los Skarnales had finally called it a day, but I have to admit that I’m damn happy to see what’s come out of the wreckage. It seems like nearly every member of the band has gone on to form another band; it’s like they’re the Rodan of Houston ska, seriously…

    Scale The Summit

    Most of the time, when I hear about a Houston band that’s got some promise or already sounds pretty cool, it starts small. I’ll hear a song or two online somewhere, or see their set at a festival or something…

    Sharks and Sailors

    Holy fucking shit. I can’t believe it’s taken me this damn long to put these folks on this little page. Why? To put it bluntly, because they’re probably the best indie-rock band in town right now; no offense to the many, many other talented bands doing their thing here in H-town, but Sharks and Sailors are truly something else…

    Something Fierce

    Damn. I just can’t say enough things about these crazy kids. You wouldn’t think it to look at ’em, but when this little threesome picks up their instruments, their brand of catchy, bitterly tuneful, raw-but-not-messy garage-rock just plain knocks me off my feet…

    Spain Colored Orange

    Well, I’m not sure if this is really a “band,” per se, or more of a “side project”-type thing for the folks involved, but whichever, it’s damn cool. This is basically Gilbert from Blueprint/In Echos (see above), along with some fairly-new bandmates who I don’t know at all, doing a cool little 4-track pop thing…

    The Born Liars

    I don’t really know why I waffled on these guys as long as I did — I’d been hearing great, great stuff about the Born Liars for a couple of years, but I’d always kind of shrugged and blew ’em off. I’d liked frontman/guitarist/singer Jimmy Sanchez (who apparently also writes all the songs) in his […]

    The Flamin’ Hellcats

    Well, I thought these guys were pretty much toast, and had put ’em in the Band Graveyard, but it turns out that not only are they still together, but they released a new CD, Goin’ to Your House, with all new stuff on it, and they even had a song on the soundtrack to that “Dawson’s Creek” guy’s movie…

    The Gold Sounds

    These three guys came out of nowhere, both with respect to yours truly and actual geography — they’re right out of Deer Park, on the edge of the ever-scenic Houston Ship Channel, and the first I heard of ’em besides their name came in the form of a self-released CDEP and DVD they sent in…

    The Handsomes

    Y’know, I hate to say it, but I wasn’t expecting much from these guys when I first saw ’em. I walked into a club packed wall-to-wall with over-dyed bimbos and beefy guys who looked like they were trying really hard to ignore the fact that they were edging into middle age…

    the last place you look

    It’s funny, but I looking back I can say with certainty that I never would’ve predicted where these guys ended up. Long, long ago, guitarist Richard Sherwood and vocalist Justin Nava used to be in a very cool, awesomely promising funk-rock band…

    The Linus Pauling Quartet

    Long time coming, this one. Six freakin’ albums in, and I’ve finally been sucked in by the LP4’s heavy-ass, sludgy brand of psych-rock. Their latest, All Things Are Light, is what really hammered it home for me, honestly — it’s got fuzz thick enough to slice and spread on toast…

    The Literary Greats

    The most maddening thing about rootsy pop/rock guys The Literary Greats is just how sneaky they are. They stroll through song after song (three albums’ worth, since 2007) like they’re just there to have fun, smiling the whole damn time…

    The Mathletes

    I love pop. Honest, I really, truly do — I do the dark-and-dour thing, too, but few things make me happy like a well-crafted, intelligent, quirky pop song. Which explains, frankly, why I dig The Mathletes so damn much. In spite of all protestations to the contrary…

    The Phlegmatics

    Man, there are too damn few bands in town like this; most rock bands that try to be funny seem to do so at the expense of the actual music, instead throwing lame jokes at half-assed punk tunes or faux-hardcore posturing. Which is a damn shame, because The Phlegmatics manage to fit in both sarcastic, self-deprecating humor…

    The Suspects

    Back again, once is the incredible…yes, it’s true — The Suspects are back & rejuvenated. Hep, hep, hep… The band broke up for several years there, after nearly a decade of full-on old-school ska, and man, was I bummed. The band had hit some rocky points, due to some personnel shakeups and a general lack of time…

    The Tontons

    I know it’s the height of cliché to declare that some band’s sound is “unique,” but damn it, that’s where I’m at with The Tontons. They really, truly sound like no other band I know, whether you’re talking about Houston or parts further afield. The band meshes together heavy, head-nodding psychedelic rock…

    The Western Civilization

    Whoa. I should probably note straight off that I never-never-never put bands up on this list merely on the strength of a couple of MySpace songs. (Well, almost never, anyway.) I usually try to at least see a band before I put ’em in here, just because, well, that’s been my general rule…

    The Wild Moccasins

    Late, late, late on this one, as always. The Wild Moccasins have been steadily been making a name for themselves for quite a while now, and they just keep getting better and better as they go…

    Tody Castillo

    Yep, another one I’ve been very, very remiss in listing. Actually, Tody was on this very page once, what seems like a really freakin’ long time ago — he fronted a band called Tody and the Royals, who put out one excellent, excellent tape…


    Damn, but these guys are neato. They used to be a sloppy garage-punk band called Pull My Finger, and they even put out a CD under that name, but decided somewhere along the way that they were tired of doing the punk thing, and manage to transform, instead, into a pretty fucking cool indie-rock band…

    Young Mammals

    Damn, that energy is incredible. It took me a while to really get into Young Mammals (formerly known as The Dimes, before some punk-ass bunch of Oregonians threatened ’em over the name), but after finally getting to see them full-force at the Houston Press Awards showcase…

Page by . Page updated Monday, May 10th, 2010.

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10 Responses to “Bands”

  1. SPACE CITY ROCK » Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Iceage + Balaclavas + The Energy + Invincible Czars + Illegal Wiretaps + More on July 28th, 2011 at 11:05 pm

    […] Bands […]

  2. The Liquid Kitchen on December 22nd, 2011 at 2:22 pm


    we are a local Houston band that would very much like to be part of the community. Please feel free to view our websit for your approval, and let us know if you require anymore information from us on our end.

    Thank you for your time and consideration,

    Rand E.
    The Liquid Kitchen

  3. Rajiv Grover on February 6th, 2012 at 8:48 am

    I’ve got a new surf band in Houston, and was wondering if you could post our dates on your show page. Our upcoming show is on February 10th at the Alabama Ice House, and the band is called the Electric Cheetahs. Will Van Horn – Guitar, Jack Shultz – Bass, Rajiv Grover – Drums. Thanks, Rajiv

  4. Vestibule on May 20th, 2012 at 9:38 am

    Hi…love the site…how does vestibule get on this list? We have two gigs at fitzgeralds coming up…one with plants and animals may 26 and one with pale July 21…let us know how we can be a part of what you are doing to promote the Houston music scene!

  5. The Abyss on August 15th, 2012 at 6:35 pm

    Thanks for supporting Houston music.

    Please add The Abyss: to the list.


  6. Alloy Dragon on September 20th, 2012 at 4:48 am

    Great site! Please add Alloy Dragon to the list. We are a new band made up of a couple members of Alloy, from the Houston scene back in the 80’s, a Houston radio station DJ, and the bass player from Twin Evil, who also played with the late Freddie Everett. We are cranking it up on the westside with covers from the 70’s-90’s, AC/DC – ZZ Top. We have been booking smaller venues so far, but still having fun and hoping to play to a larger crowd. Check out or hit us up on Reverbnation, Facebook or YouTube.


  7. Rajiv Grover on September 29th, 2012 at 8:45 am

    Hey guys,
    We’re playing a show October 9th at the Continental Club, and I was wondering if you could please post it on your show page. The line-up is Los De Verdad (L.D.V.) and The Independents. Thank you. -Rajiv

  8. Jim on March 31st, 2013 at 2:45 pm

    Houston has a great music scene. Was visiting last summer and got the opportunity to check out a couple of great bands. I did so randomly but I was quite happy with the level of musicianship.

  9. Willie Gormally on August 4th, 2015 at 9:13 am

    It’s a pity you don’t have a donate button! I’d without a doubt donate to this fantastic blog! I suppose for now i’ll settle for bookmarking and adding your RSS feed to my Google account. I look forward to brand new updates and will share this site with my Facebook group. Talk soon!

  10. London Lawhon on November 15th, 2015 at 12:09 am

    Would love for you to check out my songs. My debut EP was Produced by Areosmith’s last producer Warrem Huart. I hope you enjoy.

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