
Want to advertise with Space City Rock? We can’t say we blame you, there — from an advertising standpoint, we happen to think we’re a pretty good opportunity. We’ve been doing this for quite a while now, are pretty well-respected, have a loyal fanbase, usually sit happily at the top of the results you get for “Houston music” in almost every search engine or directory you can find, see visitors from as far away as Sweden, Lithuania, Taiwan, and Australia, and have even won a couple of awards.

In terms of statistics, as of early 2015, we see an average of:

  • 840 unique visitors/day
  • 3000 visits/day
  • 17,000 pages/day
  • 24,000 hits/day
  • 4.0 GB bandwidth/day

Now, we’re not in this to make money. Heck, if that was our only concern, we’d be running an entirely different kind of Website, believe me. We do this because we genuinely love music (and movies, and comics, and whatever else you might find here) and think the Houston music scene deserves exposure. With that in mind, we try to keep our ad rates reasonably cheap. The table below lists our standard, rock-bottom advertising rates and associated specs, as of Spring 2015.

When you buy ad space, your ad will now run on every page of the site, from the homepage all the way down to the review pages and including the always-popular Shows List. (Note that our older review pages aren’t yet updated, but they will be within the near future.) For one monthly/tri-monthly price, your ad will appear throughout the site. Easy for you, easy for us, everybody’s happy.

We can also do custom ads or ad campaigns, by the way, depending on what you’re looking for and what size/type of ads you want to give us — not everything’s possible within our site design, but we’ll definitely try to accommodate you as best we can.

Large banner (468×60) $50 $130
Small banner (120×60) $30 $75
Vertical banner (120×240) $75 $200

  • For the rates above, your banner ad (of whatever size) will rotate for a full month.
  • Ads can be linked to whatever you choose.
  • All ad sizes are in pixels, and standard ads must fit the sizes specified; otherwise, they won’t be displayed. Contact us at the address below for custom sizes.
  • Everybody gets equal time. By default, all paying ads rotate throughout the site at the same frequency.
  • You can change your ad at any time — just send us the new ad, and we’ll get it updated as quickly as humanly possible.
  • Upon request, we can send you weekly reports showing how your ads are doing.
  • We do reserve the right to turn down ads, for whatever reason. Some general rules: no porn ads; no ads for medical stuff (you know what I’m talking about); and definitely no ads for the latest Christina Aguilera opus. Sorry.
  • Ads can be JPEGs, GIFs, Flash, HTML, or whatever the heck else you feel like using.
  • We’re not graphic design geniuses, I’m afraid, so we can’t really offer to design ads for you.
  • We don’t put up your ad until we receive payment. The only exceptions we make are for charities or causes we really like (and no, cool indie record labels don’t count as “charities,” even if they make no money).
  • The rates above are subject to change, of course, as time goes on. Always check out this page for the most up-to-date info — we’ll keep it updated.
  • We realize that not everybody’s a fancy-pants big-time record label; people who are friends of ours and/or are extremely poor can get a Poor Folks Discount. Contact us for details, but be warned that we don’t do this for just anybody, yo.

Please contact us at “gaijin” at “spacecityrock dot com” before sending any payment. If we don’t know what you’re paying us for, then we probably don’t know where you want your ad to go, right? Checks should be made payable to “Jeremy Hart”, not Space City Rock or SCR (sad though it may be, we’ve never gotten ’round to the DBA thing). Send checks or money orders to:

    Jeremy Hart
    Space City Rock
    P.O. Box 541010
    Houston, TX. 77254

If you’d rather not send a check, you can also pay via PayPal by clicking the following link:

(Please contact us before sending us money, however; otherwise we’ll just assume you’re some kind soul who likes what we do and is tossing change into our virtual hat while we busk away mindlessly on the street corner. Just so you know.)

Thanks for considering us!

Page by . Page updated Monday, February 9th, 2009.

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6 Responses to “Advertising”

  1. stephen hernandez on September 14th, 2012 at 6:29 pm

    hey this is stephen. I remember seeing that y’all linked me to some summer finds last year and just writing to say thank you. this is also a follow up. i release a new LP and more to come over the next 2 days and just letting someone know. i think if yall like my previous work youll love this stuff!

    thanks so much again, stephen,

  2. Mariana on September 26th, 2012 at 4:58 am

    I?m not that much of a online reader to be honest but your blogs really
    nice, keep it up! I’ll go ahead and bookmark your website to come back later on. Many thanks

  3. Gary "Mad Dog" Fox on October 18th, 2012 at 9:53 am

    Let me know if you all need some Heavy Duty Promotion.
    Cleaned up my Email List & found over
    30,000 Houston Addresses
    You can contact me at

  4. Uzo on June 23rd, 2015 at 5:37 pm

    Hi, I was interested in how I could get a spot on your blogroll?

    I’m a music producer and I visit your blog fairly often, and figured it would be worth asking. You’ve put your site together really well, and you post regularly so I know people are visiting frequently.

    I’m already featured on The NQM, LeftoverCake, InboxEight, Hip Hop Ruckus, Str8outdaden, CeezWorld and I Still Love H.E.R.

    It would only take a few minutes, and since we have a relatively similar audience, I figured it would be beneficial to both of our sites. I really would like to be a part of what you guys are doing.

    Please let me know your thoughts, and if there is a price then please let me know the cost. I would really appreciate it.

    Hope to hear from you soon.


  5. Rajiv Grover on July 13th, 2015 at 12:02 pm

    Could you please post PULPO on your shows list. Every Monday at the Voodoo Queen from 10-12. Thank you so much. It’s Robert Rodriguez and Rajiv Grover from the Umbrealla Man. I really appreciate it. -Rajiv

  6. shaniiq davenport on April 7th, 2021 at 9:29 am

    Good Morning!
    I hope all is well! Just Rock is a music instruction based company that is doing some amazing things for creatives around the D.C area but has made a home in Houston as well. I was wondering if running this story on your blog would be something you would be interested in? This is a black own company and we would love to get the word out there about Just Rock. Hope to hear from you soon!

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